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By: E. Xardas, M.A.S., M.D.

Co-Director, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas

For procedures lasting longer than 10 min blood pressure medication starting with d order 100mg toprol xl free shipping, alfentanil has a longer duration of action than remifentanil but it is onethird of that of fentanyl [81] heart attack diagnosis cheap 100 mg toprol xl with mastercard. Furthermore heart attack 1 hour best purchase for toprol xl, in comparison to sufentanil and fentanyl, alfentanil has a shorter elimination rate that makes accumulation after repeated or sustained administration considerably lower [57, 71]. Therefore, the recovery from remifentanil bolus is faster than the recovery from alfentanil, which in turn is quicker than from a bolus of sufentanil and fentanyl [55, 82]. For long infusions of these opioids, it is expected that remifentanil would have the fastest recovery and alfentanil and sufentanil should produce a faster recovery than fentanyl [55, 81, 82]. This is due to the slow increase in the active metabolite morphine-6-glucuronide that contributes significantly to the analgesic effects of morphine. The duration of action of hydromorphone is at least 120 min while that for morphine has been estimated between 180 and 240 min [79]. Bhavsar 7 the volume of distribution (Vd) is another important pharmacokinetic parameter. It is affected by factors such as age or comorbidities and fluid status of the patients (Vd may be increased by renal failure and liver failure and decreased in dehydration). Of note, the Vd of remifentanil is closely related to lean body weight rather than total body weight [70, 91]. These were the same mechanisms as opioids injected via the intravenous route [94]. The epidural space deserves special consideration because it can act as a reservoir of liposoluble drugs. Liposoluble opioids such as fentanyl and sufentanil have longer epidural residence times and terminal elimination half times compared to less liposoluble drugs such as morphine [94, 95]. During prolonged infusion of lipophilic opioids in the epidural, the plasma concentrations of these drugs are similar to that of an intravenous infusion [96]. The use of vasoconstrictors such as epinephrine (2 [mu]g/ml) can reduce the rate of systemic absorption of opioids and improve the quality and duration of analgesia [97, 98]. This passive mechanism involves 2 steps: first the movement of the drug across the cell membrane (lipid bilayer) of arachnoid cells, and then across intra- and extracellular fluids [94]. Lipophilic opioids, such as fentanyl or sufentanil, will accomplish the first step with ease but the second step with some difficulty; the opposite can be expected for hydrosoluble drugs such as morphine or hydromorphone [99]. When opioids are injected intrathecally, they also reach receptors located in the spinal cord by diffusion. The factors that govern the kinetics of intrathecal opioids are baricity, temperature, volume, speed of administration, and lipid solubility [99, 100]. The clearance of sufentanil in cerebrospinal fluid is orders of magnitude greater than intrathecal morphine [101, 102]. Spread of intrathecal opioids appears to be inversely related to lipid solubility.

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Epstein-Barr virus has identified in tumor epithelial cells (not lymphocytes) of most undifferentiated and nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma arrhythmia of the stomach order 50mg toprol xl with mastercard. Unilateral neck swelling is much more common although bilateral metastasis also occur heart attack album 25mg toprol xl visa. Tympanic membrane appears dull and audiometry shows curve B which means fluid is present in middle ear (Ruling out option "d" i hypertension 2014 order cheap toprol xl on line. Point to Remember Presence of unilateral serous otitis media in an adult should always raise suspicion of nasopharyngeal growth. Dhingra 6/e, p 251 A 70-year-old man is presenting with U/L conductive deafness and on O/E-Tympanic membrane is intact. Dhingra 5/e, p 264-6, 6/e, p 250-252 In nasopharyngeal carcinoma, radiotherapy is the mainstay of treatment. Radical neck dissection is required for persistent nodes when primary has been controlled. Definition of Terms y y y Sleep apnea: It is cessation of breathing that lasts for 10s or more during sleep. Less than five such episodes is normal Apnea index: It is number of episodes of apnea in 1 hour Hypopnoea: It is reduction of airflow i. Pharynx Hot Topics Sites of Snoring Site of snoring may be soft palate, tonsillar pillars or hypopharynx. Treatment y y y y Avoidance of alcohol, sedatives and hypnotics Reduction of weight Sleeping on the side rather than or the back Removal of obstructing lesion in nose, nasopharynx, oral cavity, hypopharynx and larynx. Radiofrequency has been used for volumetric reduction of tissues of turbinates, soft palate and base of tongue. Etiology y y In children most common cause is adenotonsillar hypertrophy In adults (Table 25. Obstructive (M/C variety): There is collapse of the upper airway resulting in cessation of airflow. Other factors may be obstructive conditions of nose, nasopharynx, oral cavity and oropharynx, base of tongue or larynx. Q Mechanism of Obstruction: yy Apneas and hypopneas are caused by the airway being sucked closed on inspiration during sleep. This occurs as the upper-airway dilating muscles like all striated muscles relax during sleepQ. This will hinge on obtaining a good sleep history from the patient and partner, with both completing sleep questionnaires, including the Epworth Sleepiness Score. Treatment: yy Change in lifestyle this often includes weight loss and alcohol reduction both to reduce weight and because alcohol acutely decreases upper-airway dilating muscle tone, thus predisposing to obstructed beathing. Positional Therapy: yy Positional therapy: Patient should sleep on the side as supine position may cause obstructive apnea. A rubber ball can be fixed to the back of shirt to prevent adopting supine position.

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A patient following injury presents with normal schimer test but stapedial reflex is absent on right side arrhythmia associates fairfax purchase toprol xl 25mg with visa. Voluntary eye closure may not be possible and can produce damage to the conjunctiva and cornea enrique iglesias heart attack buy toprol xl with a visa. Drooping of angle of mouth 143 Supranuclear Lesions (Upper Motor Neuron Lesion) Supranuclear lesions can be distinguished from nuclear or infranuclear lesions because these are usually accompanied by hemiplegia blood pressure questionnaire cheap toprol xl 100mg free shipping. Only movements of the lower part of the face are affected and not those of the upper part: the explanation for this is that the corticonuclear fibers concerned with movements of the upper part of the face are bilateral, whereas those for movements of the lower part of the face are unilateral. Another difference is that while voluntary movements are affected, emotional expressions appear to be normal. It has been suggested that there are separate pathways from the cerebral cortex to the facial nucleus for voluntary and emotional movements, and usually, only the former are involved. Concept of Nuclear, Supranuclear, and Infranuclear Facial Nerve Paralysis the motor nucleus of the facial nerve is located in pons. Facial nerve paralysis occurring due to injury or disease of the facial nucleus is termed as nuclear paralysis (lower motor neuron type paralysis). The motor nucleus is innervated by corticonuclear fibers (supranuclear fibers or upper motor neuron fibers) arising from the contralateral cerebral cortex. A lesion anywhere in the course of upper motor neuron fibers is supranuclear facial paralysis (upper motor neuron type paralysis). Nuclear Lesion (Lower Motor Neuron Lesion) the lesion of facial nerve nucleus is very rare. In this type of lesion, all the facial muscles on the side of lesion are paralyzed. In nuclear lesions (within the brainstem), other neighboring nuclei may be affected leading to simultaneous lesion of the abducent or trigeminal nerve. Facial muscles can also be paralyzed by interruption of corticonuclear fi bers running from the motor cortex to the facial nucleus. The effects of paralysis are due to the failure of the muscles concerned to perform their normal actions. When the facial nerve is paralyzed on one side, the most noticeable feature is the loss of symmetry y Normal furrows on the forehead are lost because of paralysis of the occipitofrontalis y There is drooping of the eyelid, and the palpebral fi ssure is wider on the paralyzed side, because of paralysis of the orbicularis oculi. The conjunctival refl ex is lost for the same reason y There is marked asymmetry of the mouth, because of paralysis of the orbicularis oris and of muscles inserted into the angle of the mouth. As a result of asymmetry, the protruded tongue appears to deviate to one side but is, in fact, in the midline y During mastication, food tends to accumulate between the cheek and the teeth. Facial nerve paralysis occurring due to injury or disease of the infranuclear fibers is termed as infranuclear facial nerve paralysis (lower motor neuron type paralysis). Clinical Correlation the part of motor nucleus of facial nerve supplying the muscles of the lower part of the face receives the corticonuclear fi bers from the opposite cerebral hemisphere, while the part of motor nucleus of facial nerve, which supplies the muscles of the upper part of the face receives corticonuclear fibers from both cerebral hemispheres. It may occur due to lesion anywhere in the course of upper motor or lower motor neurons. Intratemporal: Lesion is in the bony canal, from internal acoustic meatus to stylomastoid foramen. Lesion must either in the pons, or outside brainstem (posterior fossa, bony canal, middle ear or outside skull).

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Visual disorder: Blindness may occur in patients with severe preeclampsia and eclampsia and may persist for several days blood pressure chart 50 year old male buy toprol xl 25mg line, although quick recovery after delivery is the rule blood pressure medication photosensitivity order 50mg toprol xl otc. Q Supportive treatment in the form of platelet transfusion blood pressure app cheap 100mg toprol xl with visa, fresh frozen plasmaQ and plasmapheresisQ may be required. I/V Furosemide and hydralazine again are not justified in mild preeclampsia patients (Role of antihypertensives is controversial in the setting of mild preeclampsia) i. So we are left with option d-initial inpatient evaluation followed by restricted activity and outpatient management, which is the most logical step. Ifseizures, thrombocytopenia, pulmonary edema, unexplained hemolysis or elevation in liver enzymes develop, superimposed preeclampsia should be diagnosed. A 24 hour urine calcium measurement may also be helpful in detecting preeclampsia, as levels of urine calcium are lower (< 195 mg total urine calcium in 24 hours) in preeclampsia patients than in patients with hypertension alone. This means it is a case of Pregnancy induced hypertension (either Preeclampsia or gestational hypertension). Since she is having proteinuria also it rules out gestational hypertension and favours Preeclampsia. Preterm birth is a major risk factor for the development of cerebral palsy; gestational age at delivery has an inverse relationship to the risk of cerebral palsy. These studies included women thought to be at risk of preterm delivery within 24 hours. Some feel cesarean section should be done while others feel induction of labor is the correct answer. Shake test or Bubble test: is useful for bedside assessment of fetal pulmonary maturity. Since she is only 28 weeks pregnant we will not perform cesarean immediately and try to carry the pregnancy uptil 34 weeks. Discrepancies between the random urine dipstick and 24 hour urine collection measurements have been well described. The 24 hour urine collection, therefore remains the preferred measure for diagnosing preeclampsia". The only confusion is whether she is a having mild preeclampsia or severe preeclampsia because that has a bearing on the management also. Lets say this patient has severe preeclampsia: ks f Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy ks re o. This, generally results in opening up of collateral ciculation by means of paravertebral and azygous veins. In some cases (10%) when the collateral circulation fails to open, the venous return of the heart may be seriously curtailed which results in production of hypotension, tachycardia and syncope. Normal blood pressure is quickly restored by turning the patient to lateral position. Cerebral anoxia due to arterial spasm m So this leaves no doubt that further line of management in this question is Anticonvulsive therapy.

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Ultrasound Technique the use of ultrasound guidance facilitated multiple approaches at several convenient levels to block the sciatic nerve arteria urethralis discount toprol xl 50 mg visa. Anterior Approach deep to the long head of the biceps muscle and the posterior surface of the adductor magnus blood pressure medication joint pain generic 100 mg toprol xl visa. The needle is inserted inplane typically from the lateral side and advancer toward the nerve blood pressure quit drinking toprol xl 50 mg generic. Often the nerve is better visualized after the initial injection of local anesthetic and moves away from the needle. The rest of the local anesthetic is injected in divided doses after negative aspiration and absence of high resistance to injection. The ultrasound guidance not only reduces the risk of vascular injury, it eliminates the need for use of precise geometry to identify the needle entry point. The patient is positioned supine with slight abduction and external rotation of the thigh. At this location, a curved transducer placed over the anteromedial aspect of the thigh will reveal the musculature of all 3 fascial compartments of the thigh: anterior, medial, and posterior. Beneath the superficial sartorius muscle is the femoral artery, and deep and medial to this vessel is the profunda femoris artery. The femur is easily seen as a hyperechoic rim with the corresponding shadow beneath the vastus intermedius. Medial to the femur is the body of the adductor magnus muscle, separated by the fascial plane(s) of the hamstrings muscles. The needle is inserted in-plane or out of plane from the medial aspect of the thigh and advanced toward the sciatic nerve avoiding the femoral vessels. The popliteal block is essentially a block of the sciatic nerve in the popliteal fossa. Sciatic nerve is a nerve bundle that consists of 2 separate nerve trunks: the tibial and the common peroneal nerves. The addition of saphenous nerve block to cover the medial lower leg and ankle gives complete analgesia for ankle and foot surgery. Landmark Techniques Lateral Popliteal Approach the landmarks are popliteal fossa crease, vastus lateralis, and biceps femoris muscles. This block is performed with the patient supine and thus has the advantage of not requiring to place the position prone. The foot on the side to be blocked is positioned elevated to facilitate easy visualization of muscle twitch. The groove between the vastus lateralis and the biceps femoris muscles is palpated and a point in the groove, approximately 7 cm above the popliteal crease or at the level of superior border of patella, is marked for needle point. The needle is inserted perpendicular to the leg into the groove and advanced to contact the femur. Once the desired muscle twitch is obtained the calculated dose of local anesthetic is injected after negative aspiration.

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