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By: N. Kalesch, M.B.A., M.D.

Clinical Director, Stanford University School of Medicine

Examples of large veins are the superior vena cava hiv infection rate in peru discount valacyclovir 500 mg line, the inferior vena cava hiv virus infection process video purchase valacyclovir 500 mg without prescription, and the portal vein hiv infection drugs order 500mg valacyclovir. Small and medium veins contain small amounts of smooth muscle, and the thickest layer is the tunica externa. Examples of small and medium veins are super cial veins in the upper and lower limbs and deeper veins of the leg and forearm. Within most organs there are multiple ways of perfusing the tissue such that if the main vessel feeding the organ or vein draining the organ is blocked, a series of smaller vessels (collateral vessels) continue to supply and drain the organ. Some organs have more than one vessel perfusing them, such as the hand, which is supplied by the radial and ulnar arteries. Loss of either the radial or the ulnar artery may not produce any symptoms of reduced perfusion to the hand. The brain also has multiple vessels supplying it, dominated by the carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries. However, vessels within the brain are end arteries and have a poor collateral circulation; hence any occlusion will produce long-term cerebral damage. Some organs, such as the duodenum, have a dual blood supply arising from the branches of the celiac trunk and also from the branches of the superior mesenteric artery. Should either of these vessels be damaged, blood supply to the organ will be maintained. Lymphatic vessels mainly collect uid lost from vascular capillary beds during nutrient exchange processes and deliver it back to the venous side of the vascular system. Also included in this interstitial uid that drains into the lymphatic capillaries are pathogens, cells of the lymphocytic system, cell products (such as hormones), and cell debris. In the small intestine, certain fats absorbed and processed by the intestinal epithelium are packaged into protein-coated lipid droplets (chylomicrons), which are released from the epithelial cells and enter the interstitial compartment. Together with other components of the interstitial uid, the chylomicrons drain into lymphatic capillaries (known as lacteals in the small intestine) and are ultimately delivered to the venous system in the neck. The lymphatic system is therefore also a major route of transport for fat absorbed by the gut. That carried by lymphatic vessels from the small intestine is opaque and milky because of the presence of chylomicrons and is termed chyle. There are lymphatic vessels in most areas of the body, including associated with the central nervous system. The movement of lymph through the lymphatic vessels is generated mainly by the indirect action of adjacent structures, particularly by contraction of skeletal muscles and pulses in arteries. They act as elaborate lters that trap and phagocytose particulate *Louveau A et al. Lymphoid this s ue (containing lymphocytes and macrophages) Caps ule Blood ves s els Heart Capillary bed Lymph no de Inters titial Cell fluid products and debris Lymph ves s el carrying lymph Cells Pathogens. These lymphocytes act on bacteria, viruses, and other bodily cells to destroy them. Lymph nodes tend to drain speci c areas, and if infection occurs within a drainage area, the lymph node will become active. The rapid cell turnover and production of local in ammatory mediators may cause the node to enlarge and become tender. Similarly, in patients with malignancy, the lymphatics may drain metastasizing cells to the lymph nodes. These can become enlarged and in amed and will need to be removed if clinically symptomatic.

Glucose-containing solutions are avoided antiviral proteins secreted by t cells generic valacyclovir 1000mg on-line, as hyperglycemia is detrimental to cerebral metabolism (see above) hiv infection latent stage order generic valacyclovir canada, and because glucose is quickly metabolized and not osmotically active antiviral substance discount valacyclovir on line, leaving hypotonic free water, which can worsen edema. Depending on patient comorbidities and length of the surgery, electrolyte derangements may be common and require close monitoring. Hypertonic saline (3%) supplementation (given slowly to prevent central pontine myelinolysis) may also be needed. Mannitol, especially at large doses, can cause mild electrolyte derangements, which are generally short lived. Transfusion Therapy the transfusion of blood and blood products is often needed during neurosurgical procedures. Anticoagulants should be discontinued in consultation with the physician prescribing anticoagulation. Neurosurgical patients having nonemergency surgery should have a platelet count >100,000 mm3. Red blood cells that have been typed and crossed should be available for most craniotomies, especially for neurovascular procedures. These should be treated with fresh frozen plasma, platelets, or cryoprecipitate as needed. Complex spine surgery (especially with planned osteotomies or due to tumor) is usually associated with more profound blood loss and transfusion therapy. In these cases, multiple units of blood products should be immediately available and close, repetitive monitoring of the hemoglobin level and coagulation studies should be performed. Glucose Management As discussed previously, glucose management is very important in neurosurgical cases, with the desire to avoid both hypo- and hyperglycemia. Some have advocated for "tight glucose control," in which the range of acceptable serum glucose perioperatively is very narrow. Others disagree with such intensive glucose control, arguing that the incidence of hypoglycemia is increased with such a strategy. In any case, most neuroanesthesiologists agree that serum glucose during neurosurgical procedures should be maintained in the 90 to 180 mg/dL range. For hyperglycemia exceeding this range, regular insulin should be readily available and can be given intravenously as a bolus with or without an infusion. In these cases, monitoring of serum glucose must be frequent enough to capture episodes of hypoglycemia. Emergence Emergence from anesthesia after neurosurgical procedures requires meticulous attention to maintaining stable hemodynamic and ventilatory parameters, yet ensuring a patient is sufficiently responsive as to allow neurologic examination immediately after the operation. Postcraniotomy hypertension is a well-described, albeit poorly understood, phenomenon, but can certainly be detrimental as it may increase cerebral bleeding from the resection bed and worsen cerebral edema. Careful analgesia (so as not to obtund the patient postoperatively) is helpful in controlling this hypertension, but usually antihypertensive medications are required as well. Patients having undergone posterior fossa surgery, who may also have brainstem compromise, may emerge more slowly and the time to safe extubation may be prolonged. A low-dose opioid infusion or intravenous lidocaine may be helpful in this regard. Likewise, postoperative nausea and vomiting should be prophylactically treated in these cases for the same reasons. Did You Know Postcraniotomy hypertension is detrimental because it may increase cerebral bleeding from the resection bed and worsen cerebral edema. Common primary tumors include meningiomas, astrocytomas, glioblastomas, schwannomas, and oligodendrogliomas, whereas metastatic tumors may arise from various primary sites. Independent of their histology, the morbidity of brain tumors is associated with their size, rate of growth, and proximity to or invasion of nearby structures.

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The brain is unable to distinguish clearly Coronary artery disease Occlusion of a major coronary artery hiv infection needle stick purchase valacyclovir 500 mg visa, usually due to atherosclerosis anti viral conjunctivitis generic valacyclovir 500 mg visa, leads to inadequate oxygenation of an area of myocardium and cell death antiviral spray order 1000mg valacyclovir with amex. The severity of the problem will be related to the size and location of the artery involved, whether or not the blockage is complete, and whether there are collateral vessels to provide perfusion to the territory from other vessels. Percutaneous coronary intervention this is a technique in which a long ne tube (a catheter) is inserted into the femoral artery in the thigh, passed through the external and common iliac arteries and into the abdominal aorta. It continues to be moved upward through the thoracic aorta to the origins of the coronary arteries. A ne wire is then passed into the coronary artery and is used to cross the stenosis. A ne balloon is then passed over the wire and may be in ated at the level of the obstruction, thus widening it; this is termed angioplasty. More commonly, this is augmented by placement of a ne wire mesh (a stent) inside the obstruction to hold it open. Other percutaneous interventions are suction extraction of a coronary thrombus and rotary ablation of a plaque. Pain interpreted as originating in dis tribution of s omatic s ens ory nerves Coronary artery bypass grafts If coronary artery disease is too extensive to be treated by percutaneous intervention, surgical coronary artery bypass grafting may be necessary. It is divided into several pieces, each of which is used to bypass blocked sections of the coronary arteries. Vis ceral s ens ory nerve Somatic s ens ory nerve T2 T3 Clinical app Classic symptoms of heart attack the typical symptoms are chest heaviness or pressure, which can be severe, lasting more than 20 minutes, and often associated with sweating. The pain in the chest (which may be described as an "elephant sitting on my chest" or by using a clenched st to describe the pain [Levine sign]) often radiates to the arms (left more common than the right), and can be associated with nausea. The severity of ischemia and infarction depends on the rate at which the occlusion or stenosis has occurred and whether or not collateral channels have had a chance to develop. Although men and women can experience the typical symptoms of severe chest pain, cold sweats, and pain in the left arm, women are more likely than men to have subtler, less recognizable symptoms. These may include abdominal pain, achiness in the jaw or back, nausea, shortness of breath and/or simply fatigue. The mechanism of this difference is not understood, but it is important to consider cardiac ischemia for a wide range of symptoms. Ascending aorta the ascending aorta is within the pericardial sac and covered by a visceral layer of serous pericardium, which also surrounds the pulmonary trunk in a common sheath. The origin of the ascending aorta is the aortic ori ce at the base of the left ventricle, which is level with the lower edge of the third left costal cartilage and posterior to the left half of the sternum. Moving superiorly, slightly forward and to the right, the ascending aorta continues to the level of the second right costal cartilage. At this point, it enters the superior mediastinum and is then referred to as the arch of the aorta. Immediately superior to the point where the ascending aorta arises from the left ventricle are three small outward bulges opposite the semilunar cusps of the aortic valve. The right and left coronary arteries originate from the right and left aortic sinuses, respectively. Arising from the conus arteriosus of the right ventricle it is slightly anterior to the aortic ori ce and ascends, moving posteriorly and to the left, lying initially anterior and then to the left of the ascending aorta. The portion within the pericardial sac is covered with serous pericardium except for a small area on its posterior surface.

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The microscopic appearance gives no reliable clue to biologic behavior hiv infection elderly buy valacyclovir toronto, so determination of malignancy is based on presence of invasion or metastases highest hiv infection rates us 500mg valacyclovir amex. The symptoms can be treated with adrenergicblocking agents before surgical removal antiviral compounds order valacyclovir from india. Figure 15-54 Adrenal pheochromocytoma, electron microscopy By electron microscopy, these chromaffin (chief) cells of a pheochromocytoma, similar to the chief cells of other neoplasms with neuroendocrine differentiation, contain dark round membranebound neurosecretory granules in their cell cytoplasm. Immunohistochemical staining for chromogranin and synaptophysin is present in chief cells, whereas the sustentacular cells are positive for S100, a calcium-binding protein. Persistently elevated catecholamine levels can produce a catecholamine cardiomyopathy complicated by congestive heart failure and arrhythmias. Figure 15-55 Adrenal neuroblastoma, gross Abdominal enlargement palpated in this neonate resulted from a congenital neuroblastoma arising within the right adrenal gland. This irregular tan mass with focal hemorrhage is a neuroblastoma large enough to displace the liver to the left. Most of these neoplasms arise during the first 3 years of life, and despite the higher stage seen here, neuroblastomas arising in infancy have a better overall prognosis. Similar to adult pheochromocytomas, they may also arise in extra-adrenal paraganglia. These neoplasms can reach a large size in the retroperitoneum before they are detected. They may be detected because they secrete homovanillic acid, a precursor in catecholamine synthesis, and vanillylmandelic acid, dopamine, and norepinephrine, although not in as large quantities as pheochromocytomas. The inflammation leads to loss of the acini with reduced output of hormones and eventual panhypopituitarism. It is thought to be autoimmune in origin and may occur in conjunction with autoimmunity involving other endocrine organs or part of a systemic immune response, including infections. This most often results from herniation of arachnoid through the diaphragma sellae, resulting in a slow pressure atrophy of the pituitary, eventually leading to hypopituitarism. Other causes of hypopituitarism include a null-cell adenoma, ischemic necrosis (Sheehan syndrome), and surgical or radiation therapy. In children the first manifestation is growth failure, whereas in adults the lack of gonadotropins leads to loss of secondary sex characteristics, infertility, and decreased libido. Ganglioneuromas are most often found in skin, oral mucosa, eyes, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract. The grossly variegated mass (left panel) has a cut surface with yellow areas representing primarily fatty marrow; precursor hematopoietic elements impart red-to-brown-to-gray color. Addison disease with chronic adrenal failure is now an uncommon complication of tuberculosis when treatment is available for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. When disseminated tuberculosis affects the adrenals, destruction of over 80% to 90% of the cortical parenchyma by granulomatous inflammation leads to significant loss of hormonal function. The pineal elaborates the hormone melatonin, which plays a role in maintenance of normal circadian rhythms. This is a pineocytoma, which most often occurs in adults as a slowly enlarging, circumscribed lesion that can compress, but not invade, surrounding structures. In contrast, pineoblastomas arise in children and spread by seeding into the cerebrospinal fluid. Histologically these tumors resemble a normal pineal gland with nests of well-differentiated cells.

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Viewing congenital heart disease as a physiologic assessment enables the clinician to group the various lesions into three general categories: lesions that cause obstruction to blood flow without shunting antivirus windows 8.1 1000mg valacyclovir amex, lesions that result in an increase in pulmonary blood flow through a shunt pathway hiv aids infection rate zimbabwe quality valacyclovir 1000mg, and lesions that result in a decrease in pulmonary blood flow through a shunt pathway antiviral ribavirin generic 1000 mg valacyclovir amex. Congenital aortic stenosis and coarctation of the aorta represent examples of nonshunt-obstructing congenital cardiac defects. Congenital aortic stenosis can be associated with rapid cardiac arrest when the stenotic valve is so narrow that the left ventricle fails to generate sufficient forward cardiac output to supply oxygen to the coronary circulation. Depending on the location of coarctation in relation to a patent ductus arteriosus, intracardiac shunting can be either right to left (preductal) or left to right (postductal). It results in shunting of blood from the higher pressure left ventricle to the lower pressure right ventricle. However, at any time during the cardiac cycle, the flow may cease or become right to left, highlighting the distinct possibility for paradoxical embolization from the venous to arterial circulation. All congenital cardiac lesions that shunt blood flow away from the lungs have some obstruction to right heart outflow into the pulmonary circuit. Understanding this principle makes it easier to understand the physiology and anatomy of the congenital lesions. Anesthetic management of neonates displaying transitional circulation and pediatric patients with congenital cardiac lesions mandate use of medications and techniques that promote control of pulmonary vascular resistance and a balance between the pulmonary and systemic vascular resistances. The goal is to optimize the ratio of pulmonary to systemic circulation as best as anatomically possible. Pulmonary System Normal Fetal to Pediatric Transition the pulmonary system is involved in dramatic developmental changes in the transition from fetal to postnatal physiology (1,2). The lungs undergo active development throughout the gestational period and childhood. Alveolar development occurs primarily in the third trimester beginning in the saccular stage (24 to 38 weeks) and peaking in the alveolar stage (36 weeks to 8 years) (1). Infants born prematurely benefit from maternal antenatal administration of glucocorticoids, which promote maturation of the fetal lung and surfactant production. Surfactant is one of the most important factors contributing to adequate gas exchange during the transition to postnatal life. It is a mixture of neutral lipids, phospholipids, and specific proteins with an amphipathic nature, which leads to a decrease in surface tension that stabilizes alveoli and provides alveolar inflation while reducing hydrostatic forces that cause pulmonary edema. Respiratory Function Respiratory function differs significantly in infants and children. Oxygen consumption is dramatically higher than adult levels, at approximately 7 to 9 mL/kg/min (Table 33-2). The oxygen consumption is higher, thus infants and children have a lower oxygen reserve and can rapidly develop hypoxemia. Chest wall compliance is higher than that in adults, because the ribs and intercostal muscles are not fully developed, which can lead to significant retractions that do not provide efficient effort for gas exchange. The primary mechanism driving respiratory effort in neonates is the diaphragm, which is easily fatigued when the work of breathing is increased due to increased resistance to ventilation or hyperventilation. Did You Know Inhalation induction as well as emergence of anesthesia are faster in infants and children as a result of increased minute ventilation relative to adults. Did You Know During resuscitation of a newborn with a very low Apgar score, suctioning may delay other very important therapeutic interventions such as stimulation, assisted ventilation, and chest compressions. Meconium Aspiration Fetal hypoxemia may result in intrauterine passage of meconium that mixes with amniotic fluid. The fetal breath movements will then result in pulmonary exposure to meconium prenatally. The latter scenario is consistent with thick meconium that can cause a mechanical airway obstruction.

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