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By: T. Giacomo, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Medical Instructor, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences

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The malignant cells often are better preserved spasms just below ribs skelaxin 400 mg sale, are larger spasms mid back order skelaxin 400mg without a prescription, and maintain crisper nuclear membranes spasms 1983 download safe 400mg skelaxin, compared to the degenerate cells. Small- to moderate-sized clusters of malignant cells may be seen, but large groups of malignant cells are unusual, as high-grade urothelial carcinomas typically show extensive cellular dissociation. Nonetheless, the diagnosis of high-grade urothelial carcinoma tends to be straightforward, as the nuclear size, hyperchromasia and membrane irregularities exceed the changes of benign urothelium. High-grade urothelial carcinomas may display considerable degenerative features, but one should always be able to find a handful of malignant cells that have intact nuclear membranes. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy effect Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may induce a variety of cellular changes that mimic those seen in a high-grade urothelial carcinoma. Chemotherapeutic effect results from agents administered systemically, such as cyclophosphamide and busulfan, or intravesically. The changes may therefore be seen in patients being treated specifically for urothelial cancer or in patients being treated for other malignancies. Radiation therapy may be targeted in those patients who have unresectable urothelial cancers or in patients with tumours adjacent to the urinary tract, such as those arising in the uterine cervix or prostate. The cytomorphology of urinary tract specimens is similar for both chemotherapy and radiation therapy, regardless of the specimen type. In the first stages of treatment, the cells are sloughed and are accompanied by blood and copious acute inflammatory cells. Specimens obtained after this early phase are more problematic, especially in patients who have had radiation therapy, as the cellular atypia may occur years after the last treatment. The cytomorphological features of chemotherapy and radiation therapy include increased cellularity, cellular degeneration, frayed cytoplasmic borders, increased nuclear:cytoplasmic ratios, nuclear hyperchromasia, nuclear multilobation, nuclear pseudoinclusions, karyorrhexis and karyolysis. Cytomorphological features most helpful in identifying treatment effect are overall cellular enlargement with abundant cytoplasm. In treatment effect, the cellular nuclei often have a homogeneously dark nucleus, whereas in high-grade urothelial carcinoma, the nuclear chromatin is more textured. If only rare, large, bizarre appearing cells are present, high-grade urothelial carcinoma is less likely. The malignant cells show high nuclear:cytoplasmic ratios and variation in nuclear size. A large cluster of degenerate urothelial cells contain hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular nuclear membranes. These cells contain a moderate amount of cytoplasm and lack the high nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio of high-grade urothelial carcinoma cells. The urothelial cell shows nuclear enlargement, slight hyperchromasia and nuclear membrane irregularities. The nuclear membrane is not markedly thickened and the nuclear hyperchromasia is less than that seen in a high-grade urothelial carcinoma. In the later phases, histiocytes and true granulomas may be seen, sometimes noticeable in instrumented urine specimens. Definitively malignant cells with intact, crisp nuclear chromatin should be present before making a diagnosis of high-grade urothelial carcinoma. Lithiasis Lithiasis is the most common non-neoplastic process that may yield a urine specimen mimicking a high-grade urothelial carcinoma.