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By: Y. Kayor, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

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A midline sagittal T1-weighted scan of the lower lumbar spine and pelvis is presented in a 6 month old medications for rheumatoid arthritis selegiline 5 mg with mastercard. Although relatively homogeneous in this example medicine upset stomach purchase cheap selegiline on line, a more typical appearance would be that of a heterogeneous mass medicine xyzal cheap selegiline 5mg fast delivery, with cystic and solid components, containing fat, soft tissue, and fluid. In the spine, they can involve two or more vertebral segments and extend into the disk. There is near complete replacement of the normal fatty marrow by low signal intensity metastases on the T1-weighted scan. Sacrococcygeal Teratoma A sacrococcygeal teratoma is a rare congenital tumor, and is the most common presacral mass in a child. These lesions are usually lobulated and sharply demarcated, with both cystic and solid components. Focal Vertebral Body Metastatic Disease Vertebral metastases are a major cause of morbidity in cancer patients. Vertebral metastases may cause bone expansion, cord compression, and pathologic fractures. Lung carcinoma is the most common cause of metastatic disease to the vertebral column. Cord compression due to epidural metastatic disease presents typically with pain at the level of involvement and neurologic deficits. Upper cervical metastatic lesions have high morbidity, with extensive sensory and motor deficits. Squamous cell carcinoma of neck spreads by local invasion, and with extensive disease can also involve the cervical spine and skull base. Sagittal images provide an initial screen for metastatic involvement, with axial images important for assessment of epidural extent and canal compromise. With fat saturation, however, many but not all metastatic lesions will be visualized, with abnormal high signal intensity, on T2-weighted scans. Lung and breast carcinoma metastases are usually lytic, but may be osteoblastic when treated. Following intravenous contrast administration, lytic bony metastases enhance to near isointensity with normal marrow on T1weighted scans without fat suppression. However, with fat saturation, in certain instances (and in particular for very small lesions) post-contrast scans can be the most sensitive sequence for detection of metastatic disease. Contrast administration can also be useful for improving definition of both paraspinal soft tissue and epidural extension of metastatic disease. Careful evaluation of the prevertebral soft tissues is important for tumors that spread via lymphatics-for example, prostate carcinoma. Radiation therapy changes are often recognizable due to their nonanatomic distribution, being restricted to the treatment area ("port"). Uniform fatty replacement of bone marrow occurs as early as 2 weeks following initiation of therapy, with temporal progression, and is well depicted on noncontrast T1-weighted scans. Involvement by metastatic disease has led to the expansion of the posterior elements of T7, with resultant compression of the cord. T2-weighted scans without fat saturation are very insensitive for detection Pathologic Compression Fracture When the entirety of the vertebral body is involved, differentiation between a benign acute vertebral and a.

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Although incidental mastoid air cell disease is common treatment rosacea safe selegiline 5 mg, fluid in the middle ear is not (and suggests obstruction and infection) symptoms nerve damage generic 5mg selegiline fast delivery. Complications associated with mastoiditis include sigmoid sinus thrombosis (with or without venous infarction) treatment using drugs is called order selegiline 5 mg without a prescription. There is opacification and abnormal enhancement of the petrous and mastoid air cells on the left. Note the intermediate signal intensity on the T2-weighted scan in the left mastoid air cells, consistent with infection (also reflected by the abnormal contrast enhancement). This should be distinguished from fluid signal intensity, seen commonly and not representing infection. There has been spread of infection to the adjacent meninges, with abnormal enhancement seen on the postcontrast scans within the left internal auditory canal and posterior to the clivus. There is also involvement of the left cavernous sinus and the Meckel cave, with abnormal enhancing soft tissue. This 9-year-old patient presented with Gradenigo syndrome, specifically the triad of symptoms that include periorbital pain (due to trigeminal nerve involvement), diplopia (due to involvement of the abducens nerves), and otorrhea. On the T2weighted scan in this pediatric patient, there is complete opacification of the right mastoid air cells, seen as intermediate signal intensity that is more typical of infection as opposed to simple fluid. Postcontrast, there is intense enhancement (black arrow), also consistent with infection. A met-hemoglobin clot (with high signal intensity on the precontrast T1-weighted image, white arrow) is seen occluding the right transverse sinus, a known serious complication of acute otomastoiditis. There has been intracranial spread of infection, resulting in an area of edema/cerebritis in the adjacent temporal lobe (arrow). An extensive resection of mastoid air cells has been performed in the distant past on the right, with the inner ear cavity preserved. Incidental lesions of the petrous apex that occasionally cause confusion include asymmetrical pneumatization and trapped fluid. The latter is common, and can be recognized by the presence of fluid with low T1 and high T2 signal intensity, without trabecular loss or any expansile nature. Apical petrositis has a distinct appearance, consistent with infection, with prominent enhancement, including the adjacent meninges. Sagittal postcontrast images from two different patients are presented, both demonstrating prominent enhancement of mastoid air cells consistent with infection. In the upper image, there is an ill-defined area of abnormal contrast enhancement (black arrow) in the adjacent temporal lobe, consistent with cerebritis. In the lower image, there is a mass lesion that exhibits a thin uniform enhancing rim (white arrow) and central necrosis, with extensive accompanying cerebral edema, in the adjacent temporal lobe, consistent with a brain abscess. The subsequent two images depict enhancement in the region of the geniculate ganglion (black arrow) and in the distal internal auditory canal (white arrow), in this patient with acute facial nerve paralysis. The term "otosclerosis" is actually a misnomer as the condition is actually "otospongiosis. Clinically, these patients present with conductive hearing loss and bilateral disease in 80%. The majority of cases are fenestral in location, and can involve just the oval window or both the oval and round windows. Retrofenestral (cochlear) otospongiosis, which is less common, can be patchy or diffuse, and can occur with or without fenestral involvement.

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