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By: K. Arokkh, MD

Clinical Director, Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Certain activities of daily living can no longer be performed or are avoided due to a fear of falling acne quistico purchase 20 mg retinide with visa. Fallprone elderly persons may display greater than typical reduction in strength and power needed during corrective movements acne that itches order retinide 10mg overnight delivery, to recover from perturbations or tripping acne 70 discount retinide express, compared to healthy elderly and are at increased risk of falling (for review, see [1]). Prior research has led to the understanding that elderly fallers are different than their healthy, age-matched counterparts. According to geriatrician Mary Tinetti falls "should be treated as an entity in their own right" [2]. The issue of just how older adults who fall should be treated is currently of great interest to clinicians and researchers alike. Because the mechanisms of postural control and their decline in older adults who fall are not fully understood, the design of therapeutic interventions is severely hampered. Presently, there exists a large gap between research into postural control mechanisms and interventions for preventing falls in the elderly. Earlier in the century posture research focused primarily on defining the parallel and hierarchical reflexive pathways that were thought to control upright stance. This reflexive perspective has been supplanted in the last 20 years with the view that posture is a complex interaction among multiple neural subsystems which support sensory orientation [5], multi-joint coordination [6], task constraints [7], and cognitive inputs such as attention. Because the mechanisms of postural control and their decline in older adults who fall are not fully understood, it remains a challenge to translate this modern view into effective rehabilitative programs for those with balance problems. Here we focus on one of the major underlying mechanisms of postural control, namely sensory integration, but within an intervention context to foster 519 C. Sensory training may add to our theoretical understanding of postural control and its relationship to sensory information as well as inform the design of clinical interventions. Sensory Reweighting in Older Adults Control of human upright stance requires sensory input from multiple sources to detect center of gravity excursions and to generate appropriate muscle responses for upright stance control. Without appropriate knowledge of self-orientation, equilibrium control is severely compromised [10]. Patients or elderly individuals with sensory deficits who perceive their stability limits incorrectly may show inappropriate postural responses or strategies to maintain equilibrium. For example, some individuals may not take a step necessary to recover equilibrium when their center of mass is displaced outside their limits of stability because they misperceive their stability boundaries. In contrast, others may make exaggerated compensatory responses to very small perturbations because they misperceive themselves to be at their limits of stability and therefore at risk for a fall. Estimation of body position is heavily dependent upon the integration of information from multiple sensory systems including visual, vestibular (inner ear), and somatosensory (touch, pressure). The ability to select and reweight alternative orientation references adaptively is considered one of the most critical factors for postural control in the elderly [11]. Elderly individuals who are unable to quickly select the appropriate sensory cue may be prone to balance loss whenever the sensory environment changes. These individuals may also be less able to use alternative combinations of sensory information to compensate for sensory losses or impairments. The reweighting of sensory information may determine whether an older adult can compensate for mild sensory degradation and retain good postural control despite advanced age.

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