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By: D. Yorik, M.S., Ph.D.

Medical Instructor, Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Therefore hypertension heart rate generic 2.5 mg prinivil with mastercard, a "loading dose" of drug is administered to achieve the desired plasma level rapidly arteria umbilical percentil 95 cheap 2.5 mg prinivil with visa, followed by a maintenance dose to maintain the steady state (Figure 1 heart attack headache buy prinivil paypal. Dose adjustment the amount of a drug administered for a given condition is estimated based on an "average patient. Knowledge of pharmacokinetic principles is useful in adjusting dosages to optimize 74 therapy for a given patient. Monitoring drug therapy and correlating it with clinical benefits provides another tool to individualize therapy. For drugs with a defined therapeutic range, drug concentrations are measured, and the dosage and frequency are adjusted to obtain the desired levels. When determining a dosage adjustment, Vd can be used to calculate the amount of drug needed to achieve a desired plasma concentration. For example, assume a heart failure patient is not well controlled due to inadequate plasma levels of digoxin. Suppose the concentration of digoxin in the plasma is C1 and the desired target concentration is C2, a higher concentration. The following calculation can be used to determine how much additional digoxin should be administered to bring the level from C1 to C2. Which of the following routes of administration is the most desirable for administering the antidote for the drug overdose The intravenous route of administration is the most desirable because it results in achievement of therapeutic plasma levels of the antidote rapidly. If administered orally, at which of the following sites of absorption will the drug be able to readily pass through the membrane For weak bases, the nonionized form will permeate through the cell membrane readily. Because the patient is 70 kg, the apparent volume of distribution in L/kg will be approximately 1 L/kg (70. Which of the following is likely to be observed with use of Drug X in this patient Because the patient has a renal disorder, she may not be able to excrete the drug effectively. As the half-life is prolonged, the dosage must be reduced so the patient will not have serious toxic effects of Drug X. Which of the following is the most likely contributor to her myocardial infarction today Reduced antiplatelet activity of clopidogrel due to aspirin Reduced antiplatelet activity of clopidogrel due to omeprazole Hypersensitivity reaction due to clopidogrel Increased antiplatelet activity of clopidogrel due to omeprazole Increased antiplatelet activity of clopidogrel due to aspirin Correct answer = B. The half-life of the drug after administration by continuous intravenous infusion is 12 hours. Which of the following best approximates the time for the drug to reach steady state Therefore, for this drug with a halflife of 12 hours, the approximate time to reach steady state will be 48 hours.

Drugs that affect warfarin binding to plasma proteins can lead to variability in the therapeutic response to warfarin pulse pressure ati purchase discount prinivil line. The mean half-life of warfarin is approximately 40 hours blood pressure scale uk buy 10 mg prinivil free shipping, but this value is highly variable among individuals blood pressure pills purchase prinivil 2.5mg amex. After conjugation to glucuronic acid, the inactive metabolites are excreted in urine and feces. Warfarin has numerous drug interactions that may potentiate or attenuate its anticoagulant effect. Minor bleeding may be treated by withdrawal of the drug or administration of oral vitamin K, but severe bleeding may require greater doses of vitamin K given intravenously. Whole blood, frozen plasma, and plasma concentrates of blood factors may also be used for rapid reversal of warfarin. Purple toe syndrome, a rare, painful, blue-tinged discoloration of the toe caused by cholesterol emboli from plaques, has also been observed with warfarin therapy. Therapeutic use Dabigatran is approved for the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. The drug is contraindicated in patients with mechanical prosthetic heart valves and is not recommended in patients with bioprosthetic heart valves. Dabigatran should be used with caution in renal impairment or in patients over the age of 75, as the risk of bleeding is higher in these groups. Abrupt discontinuation should be avoided, as patients may be at increased risk for thrombotic events. About one-third of the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine, and the inactive metabolites are excreted in the urine and feces. Edoxaban and betrixaban are minimally metabolized and are eliminated primarily unchanged in the urine and feces, respectively. All of these drugs are substrates of P-gp, and dosages should be reduced (in some cases concomitant use should be avoided) with P-gp inhibitors such as clarithromycin, verapamil, and amiodarone. Currently there is no antidote, but recombinant factor Xa products are in development. Declining kidney function can prolong the effect of these drugs and, therefore, increase the risk of bleeding. Thrombolytic Drugs Acute thromboembolic disease in selected patients may be treated by the administration of drugs that activate the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, a serine protease that hydrolyzes fibrin and, thus, dissolves clots. Mechanism of action the thrombolytic agents act either directly or indirectly to convert plasminogen to plasmin, which, in turn, cleaves fibrin, thus lysing thrombi (Figure 21. Clot dissolution and reperfusion occur with a higher frequency when therapy is initiated early after clot formation because clots become more resistant to lysis as they age. Unfortunately, increased local thrombi may occur as the clot dissolves, leading to enhanced platelet aggregation and thrombosis. Strategies to prevent this include administration of antiplatelet drugs, such as aspirin, or antithrombotics such as heparin. However, cardiac catheterization may not be possible in the 2- to 6-hour "therapeutic window," beyond which significant myocardial salvage becomes less likely. Thrombolytic agents are helpful in restoring catheter and shunt function, by lysing clots causing occlusions. Adverse effects Thrombolytic agents do not distinguish between the fibrin of an unwanted thrombus and the fibrin of a beneficial hemostatic plug. For example, a previously unsuspected lesion, such as a gastric ulcer, may hemorrhage following injection of a thrombolytic agent (Figure 21. These drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy and in patients with healing wounds, a history of cerebrovascular accident, brain tumor, head trauma, intracranial bleeding, and metastatic cancer.

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The primary adverse effects associated with metformin are gastrointestinal and in rare cases prehypertension ppt order generic prinivil on-line, lactic acidosis arrhythmia journal prinivil 5mg free shipping. Metformin does not carry a warning for increased risk of myocardial infarction (this is the case for rosiglitazone) blood pressure medication range purchase prinivil 5 mg with amex. Metformin is contraindicated in renal dysfunction due to the risk of lactic acidosis. Which of the following medications would be a poor choice for controlling her diabetes They should be used with caution and dose reduction, if at all, in patients with heart failure. Exenatide, glyburide, and insulin do not have precautions for use in heart failure patients. Glipizide, insulin lispro, and metformin have not been associated with an increased risk of pancreatitis. Sulfonylureas (glimepiride) are associated with weight gain and should be avoided in this obese patient. Because of the potential for bronchospasm associated with inhaled insulin, it should be avoided in patients with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder and asthma. Canagliflozin-urinary tract infections Nateglinide-heart failure Glipizide-weight loss Liraglutide-lactic acidosis Correct answer = A. Adverse effects of canagliflozin are genital mycotic infections, urinary tract infections, and urinary frequency. Nateglinide may cause hypoglycemia but has not been associated with heart failure. These hormones are necessary for conception, embryonic maturation, and development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics at puberty. The sex hormones are used therapeutically for contraception, management of menopausal symptoms, and replacement therapy in hormone deficiency. Several antagonists are effective in the treatment or prevention of hormoneresponsive cancers. Sex hormones are synthesized from the precursor, cholesterol, in a series of steps that includes shortening of the hydrocarbon side chain and hydroxylation of the steroid nucleus. It is present in significant amounts during pregnancy, because it is synthesized by the placenta. This results in the synthesis of specific proteins that mediate a number of physiologic functions. In the past, estrogens were widely used for prevention of osteoporosis; however, due to risks associated with estrogen therapy, current guidelines recommend use of other therapies, such as bisphosphonates (see Chapter 27). A common oral preparation used for the treatment of menopausal symptoms is conjugated equine estrogens (obtained from urine of pregnant mares), which primarily contains sulfate esters of estrone and equilin. Transdermal preparations of estradiol are also effective in treating menopausal symptoms. For women with an intact uterus, a progestogen is always included with the estrogen therapy, because the combination reduces the risk of endometrial carcinoma associated with unopposed estrogen.

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They lack both a cell wall and a cell membrane blood pressure rises at night discount 10 mg prinivil, and they do not carry out metabolic processes hypertension kidney disease symptoms prinivil 2.5mg with mastercard. Viruses use much of the metabolic machinery of the host blood pressure z score calculator buy cheap prinivil 10 mg line, and few drugs are selective enough to prevent viral replication without injury to the infected host cells. Therapy for viral diseases is further complicated by the fact that clinical symptoms appear late in the course of the disease, at a time when most of the virus particles have replicated. At this stage of viral infection, administration of drugs that block viral replication has limited effectiveness in many cases. However, a few virus groups respond to available antiviral drugs, and some antiviral agents are useful as prophylactic agents. To assist in the review of these drugs, they are grouped according to the type of viral infection they target (Figure 34. However, antiviral agents are used when patients are allergic to the vaccine or outbreaks occur. Administered prior to exposure, neuraminidase inhibitors prevent infection and, when administered within 24 to 48 hours after the onset of symptoms, they modestly decrease the intensity and duration of symptoms. Mechanism of action Influenza viruses employ a specific neuraminidase that is inserted into the host cell membrane for the purpose of releasing newly formed virions. Oseltamivir and zanamivir selectively inhibit neuraminidase, thereby preventing the release of new virions and their spread from cell to cell. Pharmacokinetics Oseltamivir is an orally active prodrug that is rapidly hydrolyzed by the liver to its active form. It should be used with caution in individuals with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, because bronchospasm may occur. Resistance Mutations of the neuraminidase enzyme have been identified in adults treated with either of the neuraminidase inhibitors. Due to widespread resistance, the adamantanes are not recommended in the United States for the treatment or prophylaxis of influenza A. Adverse effects Adverse effects of ribavirin include dose-dependent transient anemia. The aerosol may be safer, although respiratory function in infants can deteriorate quickly after initiation of aerosol treatment. Treatment of Hepatic Viral Infections the hepatitis viruses currently identified (A, B, C, D, and E) each have a pathogenesis, which specifically involves replication in and destruction of hepatocytes. Interferons Interferons are a family of naturally occurring, inducible glycoproteins that interfere with the ability of viruses to infect cells. In "pegylated" formulations, bis-monomethoxy polyethylene glycol has been covalently attached to interferon- to increase the size of the molecule. The larger molecular size delays absorption from the injection site, lengthens the duration of action of the drug, and also decreases its clearance. The principal dose-limiting toxicities are bone marrow suppression, severe fatigue and weight loss, neurotoxicity characterized by somnolence and behavioral disturbances, autoimmune disorders such as thyroiditis and, rarely, cardiovascular problems such as heart failure. Lamivudine must be phosphorylated by host cellular enzymes to the triphosphate (active) form. As with many nucleotide analogs, the intracellular half-life of the triphosphate is many hours longer than its plasma half-life. Adefovir is administered once daily and is renally excreted via glomerular filtration and tubular secretion.