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By: C. Muntasir, M.A., M.D.

Co-Director, West Virginia University School of Medicine

Interstitial pneumonitis and interstitial fibrosis commonly accompany dermatomyositis and polymyositis medicine stick purchase celexa 40 mg with mastercard. Localised or limited form of the disease occurs in the lungs without involvement of other organs symptoms 5 days after conception purchase celexa in united states online. Microscopically treatment rosacea effective 20mg celexa, these granulomas have foci of fibrinoid necrosis and intense infiltrate of lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages with scattered multinucleate giant cells. Diffuse interstitial fibrosis can occur as a result of a number of pathologic entities such as pneumoconiosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and collagen-vascular disease. However, in half the cases of diffuse interstitial fibrosis, no apparent cause or underlying disease is identifiable. The pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is unknown and the condition is diagnosed by excluding all known causes of interstitial fibrosis. High levels of autoantibodies such as rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibodies. Immunofluorescent demonstration of the deposits of immunoglobulins and complement on the alveolar walls in biopsy specimens. The lung involvement in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is often bilateral and widespread. In early stage, there is widening of the alveolar septa by oedema and cellular infiltrate by mononuclear inflammatory cells. The alveolar lining cells may show hyperplasia at places and are flattened at other places. The alveolar spaces contain exudate consisting of macrophages, lymphocytes and neutrophils. Many of the macrophages contain lamellar bodies derived from surfactant of the necrotic alveolar lining epithelial cells. In advanced stage, there is organisation of the alveolar exudate and replacement fibrosis in the alveoli as well as in the interstitial septal wall with variable amount of inflammation. Eventually, there are small cystic areas (honeycomb lung) with alternating areas of fibrosis containing thick-walled and narrowed vessels. The usual features are of respiratory difficulty beginning with dry cough and slowly progressing dyspnoea. A rapidly progressive form of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with death within 6 weeks to 6 months is termed Hamman-Rich syndrome. It is an uncommon condition occurring exclusively in smokers in 4th to 5th decades of life and is more common in males. Clinically, the features may vary from an asymptomatic state to a rapidly progressive course. Microscopically, the features are as under: i) There is presence of poorly-defined nodules distributed in peribronchiolar location while intervening lung parenchyma is uninvolved. A histologic classification of various benign and malignant tumours of lungs as recommended by the World Health Organisation is given in Table 17. Squamous cell (epidermoid) carcinoma Small cell carcinoma i) Oat cell carcinoma ii) Intermediate cell carcinoma iii) Combined oat cell carcinoma Adenocarcinoma i) Acinar adenocarcinoma ii) Papillary adenocarcinoma iii) Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma iv) Solid carcinoma with mucus formation Large cell carcinoma Adenosquamous carcinoma 3. Pulmonary neuroendocrine tumour (carcinoid tumour) Bronchial gland carcinomas i) Adenoid cystic carcinoma ii) Mucoepidermoid carcinoma There are 5 main histologic types of lung cancer: i) Squamous cell or epidermoid carcinoma ii) Small cell carcinoma iii) Adenocarcinoma (including bronchioalveolar carcinoma) iv) Large cell carcinoma v) Combined squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma (adenosquamous carcinoma). As per reports on international data for the last 25 years, while there has been decline in the incidence of small cell carcinoma, incidence of adenocarcinoma of the lung has risen and has surpassed squamous cell carcinoma as the most frequent histologic subtype of lung cancer. However, for therapeutic purposes, bronchogenic carcinoma can be classified into 3 groups: 1.

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However medications list a-z purchase celexa in india, mixed patterns may also be seen in which case one of the patterns predominates over the others treatment zinc toxicity buy 40mg celexa. Microscopically crohns medications 6mp order 20mg celexa with mastercard, the features of 3 patterns of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia are as under: 1. Follicular hyperplasia is the most frequent pattern, particularly encountered in children. The condition may occur at any age and possibly has an association with Epstein-Barr virus infection. Two histologic forms are distinguished: i) Hyaline-vascular type is more common (90% cases) and is characterised by the presence of hyalinised arterioles in small lymphoid follicles and proliferation of vessels in the interfollicular area. Paracortical lymphoid hyperplasia is due to hyperplasia of T-cell-dependent area of the lymph node. Its histologic features are: i) Expansion of the paracortex (T-cell area) with increased number of T-cell transformed immunoblasts. Variants of paracortical lymphoid hyperplasia are angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy, dermatopathic lymphadenopathy, dilantin lymphadenopathy and postvaccinial lymphadenopathy. Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy is characterised by diffuse hyperplasia of immunoblasts rather than paracortical hyperplasia only, and there is proliferation of blood vessels. The condition occurs in elderly patients with generalised lymph node enlargement and hypergammaglobulinaemia. Dermatopathic lymphadenopathy occurs in lymph node draining an area of skin lesion. Besides the hyperplastic paracortex, there is presence of dark melanin pigment within the macrophages in the lymph node. Sinus histiocytosis or sinus hyperplasia is a very common type found in regional lymph nodes draining inflammatory lesions, or as an immune reaction of the host to a draining malignant tumour or its products. The hallmark of histologic diagnosis is the expansion of the sinuses by proliferating large histiocytes containing phagocytosed material. The presence of sinus histiocytosis in the draining lymph nodes of carcinoma such as in breast carcinoma has been considered by some workers to confer better prognosis in such patients due to good host immune response. Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy is characterised by marked enlargement of lymph nodes, especially of the neck, in young adolescents. It is associated with characteristic clinical features of painless but massive lymphadenopathy with fever and leucocytosis and usually runs a benign and self-limiting course. In the early stage marked follicular hyperplasia is the dominant finding and reflects the polyclonal B-cell proliferation. In the last stage, there is decrease in the lymph node size indicative of prognostic marker of disease progression. Microscopic findings of node at this stage reveal follicular involution and lymphocyte depletion. The extravascular lifespan of tissue macrophages which are the transformed form of blood monocytes, may vary from a few months to a few years. The granulocytes, according to the appearance of nuclei, are subdivided into polymorphonuclear leucocytes and monocytes. Further, depending upon the colour of granules, polymorphonuclear leucocytes are of 3 types: neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. Myeloid series include maturing stages: myeloblast (most primitive precursor), promyelocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, band forms and segmented granulocyte (mature form). Normally the bone marrow contains more myeloid cells than the erythroid cells in the ratio of 2:1 to 15:1 (average 3:1), the largest proportion being that of metamyelocytes, band forms and segmented neutrophils. Normally, the bone marrow storage compartment contains about 10-15 times the number of granulocytes found in the peripheral blood. Following their release from the bone marrow, granulocytes spend about 10 hours in the circulation before they move into the tissues, where they perform their respective functions.

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They are encapsulated or well-circumscribed symptoms 6 days after embryo transfer buy celexa in united states online, freely movable symptoms pancreatitis cheap celexa 40mg on line, more often firm and uniform treatment interstitial cystitis purchase 20 mg celexa, unless secondary changes like haemorrhage or infarction supervene. Malignant tumours, on the other hand, are usually irregular in shape, poorly-circumscribed and extend into the adjacent tissues. Secondary changes like haemorrhage, infarction and ulceration are seen more often. Sarcomas typically have fish-flesh like consistency while carcinomas are generally firm. Microscopic Pattern the tumour cells may be arranged in a variety of patterns in different tumours as under: the epithelial tumours generally consist of acini, sheets, columns or cords of epithelial tumour cells that may be arranged in solid or papillary pattern. The mesenchymal tumours have mesenchymal tumour cells arranged as interlacing bundles, fasicles or whorls, lying separated from each other usually by the intercellular matrix substance such as hyaline material in leiomyoma. Haematopoietic tumours such as leukaemias and lymphomas often have none or little stromal support. However, anaplastic tumours differ greatly from the arrangement in normal tissue of origin of the tumour and may occasionally pose problems in classifying the tumour. Differentiation is defined as the extent of morphological and functional resemblance of parenchymal tumour cells to corresponding normal cells. Anaplasia is lack of differentiation and is a characteristic feature of most malignant tumours. Depending upon the degree of differentiation, the extent of anaplasia is also variable i. As a result of anaplasia, noticeable morphological and functional alterations in the neoplastic cells are observed. Normally, the nuclei of epithelial cells are oriented along the basement membrane which is termed as basal polarity. Early in malignancy, tumour cells lose their basal polarity so that the nuclei tend to lie away from the basement membrane. The extent of cellular pleomorphism generally correlates with the degree of anaplasia. Tumour cells are often bigger than normal but in some tumours they can be of normal size or smaller than normal. Nuclei are enlarged Diagrammatic representation of cytomorphologic features of neoplastic cells. Just like cellular pleomorphism, the nuclei too, show variation in size and shape in malignant tumour cells. Characteristically, the nuclear chromatin of malignant cell is increased and coarsely clumped. This is due to increase in the amount of nucleoprotein resulting in dark-staining nuclei, referred to as hyperchromatism. Nuclear shape may vary, nuclear membrane may be irregular and nuclear chromatin is clumped along the nuclear membrane. Malignant cells frequently have a prominent nucleolus or nucleoli in the nucleus reflecting increased nucleoprotein synthesis. The parenchymal cells of poorlydifferentiated tumours often show large number of mitoses as compared with benign tumours and well-differentiated malignant tumours. Abnormal or atypical mitotic figures are more important in malignant tumours and are identified as tripolar, quadripolar and multipolar spindles in malignant tumour cells.

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The next stage is iron deficient erythropoiesis during which the erythroid iron supply is reduced without the development of anaemia treatment for bronchitis buy 20 mg celexa amex. The final stage is the development of frank iron deficiency anaemia when the red cells become microcytic and hypochromic medicine zithromax buy 10mg celexa fast delivery. The following laboratory tests can be used to assess the varying degree of iron deficiency medicine 7 celexa 40mg amex. It is usually mild to moderate but occasionally it may be marked (haemoglobin less than 6 g/dl) due to persistent and severe blood loss. The essential feature is a fall in haemoglobin concentration up to a variable degree. The red cells in the blood film are hypochromic and microcytic, and there is anisocytosis and poikilocytosis. Hypochromia is due to poor filling of the red cells with haemoglobin so that there is increased central pallor. When iron deficiency is associated with severe folate or vitamin B12 deficiency, a dimorphic blood picture occurs with dual population of red cells- macrocytic as well as microcytic hypochromic. The reticulocyte count is normal or reduced but may be slightly raised (2-5%) in cases after haemorrhage. Platelet count is usually normal but may be slightly to moderately raised in patients who have had recent bleeding. Bone marrow examination is not essential in such cases routinely but is done in complicated cases so as to distinguish from other hypochromic anaemias. The marrow cellularity is increased due to erythroid hyperplasia (myeloid-erythroid ratio decreased). There is normoblastic erythropoiesis with predominance of small polychromatic normoblasts (micronormoblasts). These normoblasts have a thin rim of cytoplasm around the nucleus and a ragged and irregular cell border. The cytoplasmic maturation lags behind so that the late normoblasts have pyknotic nucleus but persisting polychromatic cytoplasm (compared from megaloblastic anaemia in which the nuclear maturation lags behind, page 307). Iron staining (Prussian blue reaction) carried out on bone marrow aspirate smear shows 300 deficient reticuloendothelial iron stores and absence of siderotic iron granules from developing normoblasts. In addition to blood and bone marrow examination, the following biochemical tests are of value: i) the serum iron level is low (normal 40-140 g/dl); it is often under 50 g/dl. The serum ferritin is raised in iron overload and is normal in anaemia of chronic disorders. Treatment the management of iron deficiency anaemia consists of 2 essential principles: correction of disorder causing the anaemia, and correction of iron deficiency. The underlying cause of iron deficiency is established after thorough checkup and investigations. Appropriate surgical, medical or preventive measures are instituted to correct the cause of blood loss. Iron deficiency responds very effectively to the administration of oral iron salts such as ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous gluconate and polysaccharide iron. These preparations have varying amount of elemental iron in each tablet ranging from 39 mg to 105 mg. Optimal absorption is obtained by giving iron fasting, but if sideeffects occur.