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Survival was independently (stepwise Cox model) influenced by the sum of rankings (p = 0 acne y estres purchase isocural american express. Maximal surgical effort includes low anterior resection skin care guide purchase discount isocural on-line, diaphragm resection acne medication reviews purchase 30 mg isocural amex, liver resection, and thoracoscopy. Maximal surgical effort applies to both primary and recurrent ovarian cancer patients. In their review of the literature, patients with no gross residual disease had the longest survival compared with residual disease <1 cm, and residual disease >1 cm. The median survival was not reached for group 1 by 68 months, was 84 months for group 2, and 38 months for group 3, indicating patients requiring maximal upper abdominal cytoreduction benefited significantly. As it is much more difficult to define the benefit to the patient of maximal effort cytoreduction when more than one 163 164 easily be elevated into the operative field, permitting en-bloc resection of the omentum, spleen, and distal pancreas if necessary. Distal pancreatectomy can be performed safely as part of a maximal cytoreductive effort, and is associated with improved survival in advanced ovarian cancer (Bacalbasa et al. In the event that the spleen must be removed, any remaining attachments of gastrocolic ligament and stomach should be transected with bipolar instruments and the splenic vessels palpated. The superior aspect of the pancreas is inspected under magnification, and if a duct is seen it is clipped with a small hemoclip, after which the pancreas is reinforced with continuous 2-0 Prolene. Forty-four patients had splenectomy as part of their primary cytoreductive surgery. The median overall survival for patients optimally cytoreduced with and without splenectomy was 30 and 45 months (p < 0. McCann concluded that splenectomy was safe and feasible, but survival was shortened secondary to depressed immune function. Forty-one patients were eligible for the study, whom either underwent primary or secondary optimal cytoreductive surgery. Of the six, three patients had a splenectomy as part of their interval debulking surgery and the other three had a splenectomy during secondary cytoreductive surgery. A total of 28 patients were identified: 21 in the secondary setting, 6 in the tertiary setting, and 1 in the quaternary setting. It was concluded that splenectomy as part of a secondary debulking can be performed safely, and contributes to maximal survival benefit. By mobilizing the splenic flexure and mobilizing the mesocolon and descending colon medially, the renal vein at the point the ovarian vein drains into it can be easily identified and the lymph nodes in this area can be fully accessed. To access the lymph nodes involving the celiac plexus, all one must do at this point is to transect the lieno-splenic and gastrosplenic ligaments and sweep both the spleen and the pancreas over the midline providing excellent access to this area. By starting the dissection in this manner, not only is the omentum and possibly the spleen diaphragm Assuming this portion of the procedure is completed and virtually all disease is determined to be resected, diaphragmatic disease should be evaluated and removed. In almost all cases the disease involving the diaphragm can be surgically removed or ablated with the argon beam coagulator if the disease is small volume and not scattered. Lesions were predominately rightsided (80%), but bilateral resection was necessary in two (5%) patients. Pathologic evaluation of resected areas revealed 35 cases (85%) were full-thickness disease. Forty of forty-one women underwent additional procedures for debulking, including splenectomy, liver resection, small bowel resection, and intra-abdominal tumor debulking. One of 41 developed a subphrenic abscess that required percutaneous drainage and antibiotic therapy. Seventeen of 69 patients underwent stripping, 22 of 69 underwent coagulation, and 30 of 69 underwent stripping and coagulation. Stripping was preferred when lesions were >5 mm, or extensive spread was appreciated.

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Since the indication for a gastrostomy tube may not be apparent preoperatively acne in ear buy isocural on line amex, it cannot always be anticipated and therefore may not be included in the consent acne 5 months after baby generic 30mg isocural amex. Gastrostomy tubes are useful for decompression of the stomach and the small bowel skin care cream purchase genuine isocural on line. In the postoperative setting, gastrostomy tubes may also be used for enteral nutrition. A prolonged ileus may occur after small bowel resection and enterolysis for radiation complications. Most commonly in gynecologic patients, gastrostomy tubes are used to palliate women with end-stage ovarian cancer who suffer with vomiting secondary to carcinomatosis and multiple areas of partial small bowel obstruction not amenable to surgical correction. Gynecologic oncologists often operate on or near the stomach, as it is a site of metastatic disease or must be displaced to access other sites such as the pancreas, spleen, and lesser sac. Anatomic Considerations the blood supply to the stomach is derived from the celiac trunk. The greater curvature of the stomach is supplied by the right and left gastroepiploic arteries. The right gastric artery and the right gastroepiploic artery are branches of the common hepatic artery and gastroduodenal artery, respectively. The left gastric artery is a branch of the celiac trunk, and the left gastroepiploic artery is a branch of the splenic artery. Routes of venous drainage include the gastric and gastroepiploic veins as well as small tributaries of the esophageal veins. However, a bypass procedure may be preferable when damaged small bowel is densely adherent to a fibrotic and heavily irradiated pelvis. If the stomach is not accessible for a safe tube gastrostomy, a small bowel bypass may be considered to palliate an intestinal obstruction in a woman with advanced gynecologic cancer. Anatomic Considerations the small bowel begins at the pylorus and ends at the ileocecal valve. The small bowel is perfused by straight vessels that disperse into the anterior and posterior surfaces of the bowel. In the ileum the straight vessels are surrounded by fat, and the fat encroaches upon the bowel wall. In the jejunum, the vasa recta are more easily seen, as the mesenteric fat ends prior to reaching the jejunal serosa. The autonomic nervous system, in conjunction with the gastrointestinal hormonal system, regulates peristalsis and bowel secretory action. The parasympathetic ganglia lie within the bowel wall, whereas the sympathetic ganglia lie close to the origin of the superior mesenteric artery. The small intestine has four layers: the mucosa, the submucosa, the muscularis, and the serosa. The mucosa contains villi and crypts, which greatly increase the absorptive surface area. The submucosa is a strong connective tissue layer important for structural integrity. The muscularis consists of an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer. The serosa is the outermost layer and is a continuation of the mesothelium that lines the peritoneal cavity (Figure 29. The terminal ileum is the site of absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, e, and K, as well as vitamin B12. Surgical Procedures To be successful, a small bowel resection must completely remove the damaged or involved intestinal segment.

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