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Most colon injuries are extraperitoneal and can be managed conservatively (Gerspach et al erectile dysfunction symptoms age buy cheap kamagra oral jelly 100mg, 1997; El-Nahas et al erectile dysfunction reasons best kamagra oral jelly 100mg, 2006; Korkes et al best erectile dysfunction pills uk purchase 100mg kamagra oral jelly visa, 2009; Traxer, 2009; Goger et al, 2012; Kachrilas et al, 2012). The main principle of care is prompt and separate drainage of the colon and urinary collecting system. The surgeon should back out the offending nephrostomy tube into the colon to serve as a colostomy tube, consider exchanging it for a larger tube to enhance colonic drainage, and obtain separate access to the upper urinary tract with either a new percutaneous access that does not traverse the colon or a retrograde-placed ureteral stent. If there is no increase of colostomy output, then administer high-calorie protein supplementation and eventually a regular diet. Confirm lack of communication between the colon and collecting system with contrast injection of the tubes before removing them. If the injury is intraperitoneal, or if the patient develops peritonitis or sepsis, then open surgical repair may be required. Small bowel injuries are even less common than colonic injury, described in only a few case reports (Culkin et al, 1985; Morris et al, 1991; Kumar et al, 1994; Ahmed and Reeve, 1995; Santiago et al, 1998; Lopes-Neto et al, 2000; Al-Assiri et al, 2005; Ricciardi et al, 2007; Traxer, 2009; Winer et al, 2009). Detection is by clinical signs and symptoms of peritonitis or by noting a nephroenteric fistula during postoperative nephrostography. Although open surgery may be required, conservative management using percutaneous intraduodenal catheterization or simple nasogastric or nasoduodenal drainage, combined with drainage of the upper urinary tract, fasting, and parenteral feeding, has been successful. Splenic or hepatic injuries to orthotopic and normalsized organs occur almost exclusively with supracostal upper pole renal access. Splenic injury might require laparotomy and potentially splenectomy owing to hemorrhage (Kondas et al, 1994; Shah et al, 2007), but conservative management has been successful as well (Goldberg et al, 1989; Santiago et al, 1998; Carey et al, 2006; Schaeffer et al, 2008; Thomas et al, 2009; Desai et al, 2010). Liver injury is less likely to be associated with significant hemorrhage- indeed the liver can be traversed percutaneously to obtain biliary access (Nadler et al, 2002), and purposeful transhepatic percutaneous renal surgery has been reported (Matlaga et al, 2006). As such, liver injuries during percutaneous renal surgery can be managed conservatively (El-Nahas et al, 2008). There have been a few reported cases of biliary peritonitis resulting from injury of the gallbladder or biliary tree, which require exploratory laparotomy/laparoscopy and cholecystectomy owing to the high mortality rate of bile peritonitis (Martin et al, 1996; Saxby, 1996; Kontothanassis and Bissas, 1997; Fisher et al, 2004; Ricciardi et al, 2007; Patel and Nakada, 2010). Postoperative pancreatitis, without evidence of direct pancreatic injury, has been described as well (Chitale et al, 2005). PleuralInjury Hydrothorax, and occasionally pneumothorax, is a risk of percutaneous access to the upper urinary tract collecting system. The incidence of pleural complications with punctures above the 12th rib (the 11th intercostal space) is generally considered an acceptable risk if that approach provides optimal access to the upper urinary tract. Access above the 11th rib or higher carries a much greater risk of pleural injury. Among 16 reports that distinguished between access above the 12th rib and access above the 11th rib, reporting a total of 1384 supracostal percutaneous accesses, the incidence of hydro/ pneumothorax that required intervention varied from 0% to 18% for access superior to the 12th rib (weighted mean of 4. Nephropleural fistula (urinothorax) is a direct and persistent communication between the intrarenal collecting system and the intrathoracic cavity (Ray et al, 2003; Shleyfer et al, 2006; Handa et al, 2007). It can follow percutaneous renal access of the upper urinary tract in the setting of pleural transgression. Most commonly, nephropleural fistula is diagnosed after the percutaneous tube is removed, but it can occur in the setting of a recognized hydrothorax when the persistent communication is documented on nephrostography at the time of intended tube removal. Lallas and colleagues (2004) reported that nephropleural fistula never occurred in association with subcostal access but did complicate 2. Pleural complications of supracostal percutaneous access can often be detected with chest fluoroscopy during or at the conclusion of the procedure. Fluid can be seen tracking along the lateral borders of the chest cavity and compressing the ipsilateral lung. Although postoperative chest radiography is more sensitive than intraoperative fluoroscopy, some authors report that thoracostomy was never required on the basis of postoperative chest radiography when intraoperative chest fluoroscopy was negative (Ogan et al, 2003; Bjurlin et al, 2012). Nonetheless, formal chest radiography is recommended following all cases of supracostal percutaneous renal access.

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