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By: V. Charles, M.A., M.D.

Medical Instructor, Florida State University College of Medicine

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Dorsal Mesentery Derivatives Distal to the dorsal mesogastrium can you take antibiotics for sinus infection when pregnant tolchicine 0.5 mg line, the dorsal mesentery gives rise to a series of interconnecting peritoneal ligaments formula 429 antimicrobial buy tolchicine paypal. This remarkable feat of engineering over a relatively short distance of mesenteric root bacteria no estomago buy genuine tolchicine line, approximately 15 cm (6 inches) in length. The small intestine mesentery is an investment of the extraperitoneum that continues from its reflection from the posterior parietal peritoneum. The attached border, the root of the small intestine mesentery, extends obliquely from the level of the duodenojejunal junction, at the lower border of the pancreas left of the midline at the first or second lumbar vertebrae, to the ileocecal junction in the right iliac fossae. The line of attachment of the root of the small intestine mesentery passes from the duodenojejunal junction, where it is in continuity with the root of the transverse mesocolon, over the third portion of the duodenum, obliquely across the aorta and inferior vena cava, the right ureter, and psoas muscle, to the right iliac region. The peritoneal reflections from the root of the mesentery in the region of the terminal ileum are in continuity with the posterior parietal peritoneum. The connective tissue within this region of the mesentery blends and connects with the subperitoneal tissue in the extraperitoneum of the right posterior lower abdomen. Continuity of the ventral mesogastrium as the lower portion of the gastrohepatic ligament continues into the hepatoduodenal ligament (small arrowhead). The falciform ligament is in continuity with the hepatoduodenal ligament (large arrowhead). Continuity of dorsal mesogastrium as the splenorenal ligament (large arrow) continues into the gastrosplenic ligament. Continuity of the dorsal mesogastrium to the greater omentum identified by omental vessels (small arrows). The length of the intestinal border to an extent approximately 40 times that of its root is brought about by its unique frilled nature. Thus, the root of the small bowel mesentery interconnects the upper abdomen and the right lower abdomen, which in turn connects with the extraperitoneum of the abdomen and pelvis. The small intestinal arteries arise from the left side of the superior mesenteric artery. Those arising above the ileocolic artery course in the jejunal mesentery, those distal to the ileocolic artery in the ileal mesentery. The small intestinal mesentery is in continuity with the transverse mesocolon at the root of both mesenteries. Its root reflects from the second portion of the duodenum and head of the pancreas along the lower one-third of the body and tail of 28 3. The transverse mesocolon is identified by the branches of the middle colic artery and vein. The middle colic vein joins the right gastroepiploic vein in the fused transverse mesocolon and gastrocolic ligament, and drains into the superior mesenteric vein anteriorly as the gastrocolic trunk. A common variation is failure to form the gastrocolic trunk as both veins drain separately into the superior mesenteric vein. These veins course toward the root of the transverse mesocolon in the region of the head of the pancreas. This interconnection of ligaments affords continuity of the subperitoneal space between the transverse colon, the stomach, and the pancreas. On the right, the extension of the transverse mesocolon from the second portion of the duodenum to the hepatic flexure is the duodenocolic ligament. It is identified by its position between these organs and the contained middle colic vessels. On the left, lateral extension of the transverse mesocolon is to the side wall at T11, constituting the phrenicocolic ligament.

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The third mass is the corpus spongiosum which lies in the median groove and is traversed by the urethra antibiotics not working for strep discount tolchicine 0.5 mg with visa. The arterial supply to the penis derives from the internal and external pudendal arteries: Prostate Gland and Seminal Vesicles the prostate gland surrounds the proximal segment of the urethra from the base of the bladder behind the inferior border of the pubic symphysis i need antibiotics for sinus infection purchase tolchicine 0.5mg free shipping. It is a fibromuscular gland forming a pyramidal shape with its base at the base of the bladder and the apex directed toward the membranous urethra bacteria 1 in urinalysis cheap tolchicine 0.5 mg with mastercard. The prostate gland is divided into three glandular zones: the transition zone, central zone, peripheral zone, and the anterior fibromuscular stroma. It is invested in the fascia that tightly adheres to the gland with surrounding nerves and vessels. The seminal vesicles consist of saccules and folded tubular structures above the prostate gland between the bladder and rectum. The vas deferens enters the seminal vesicle through the ampulla near the midline between the two seminal vesicles. The prostate gland and the seminal vesicles are separated from the rectum by the fascia of Denonvillier. The base of the prostate gland is contiguous with the bladder base and it is surrounded by pelvic fat and rich networks of vessels and nerves. The midportion and apical portion of the prostate gland are in close contact with the lower rectum and the levator muscles. The neck of the bladder and the prostate gland are anchored to the pubic symphysis by the detrusor muscle and puboprostatic ligament, which are interrelated. The nerves and the perineal artery, a branch of the internal pudendal artery, provides a branch to the bulb and the pair of dorsal arteries that course along the entire length of the corpus carvernosa and corpus spongiosum. Branches derived from the external pudendal artery of the femoral artery supply the skin of the penis. The veins of the corpus form the deep dorsal vein and superficial dorsal vein coursing along the dorsal surface of the penile body:4 the superficial vein drains into the external pudendal vein to the femoral vein. The deep vein passes through the penile suspensory ligament and perineal membrane to join the periprostatic venous plexus and the internal iliac vein. Lymph from the penis has multiple drainage routes: the external pudendal pathway drains the skin of the penis and perineum to the nodes at the saphenofemoral venous junction. The deep inguinal pathway drains the glans penis to the deep inguinal and external iliac nodes. The internal iliac pathway drains the erectile tissue and penile urethra to the internal iliac nodes. Patterns of Spread of Disease of the Pelvis and Male Urogenital Organs pudendal artery, and the cremasteric artery from the inferior epigastric artery. Lymphatic drainage of the testis follows the testicular vessels to the paraaortic nodes. Lymphatic vessels of the scrotum drain primarily to the superficial inguinal nodes with alternate pathways to the internal pudendal and internal iliac nodes. Testis and Scrotum the testis develops as an extraperitoneal organ in the posterior abdominal wall and migrates to the anterior lower abdominal wall and through the inguinal canal. As it descends into the scrotum, it carries the testicular artery and vein, lymphatic vessels, nerves, vas deferens, and several layers of peritoneal lining with it, forming the spermatic cord. The surface of the testis is covered by the visceral and the parietal tunica vaginalis that correspond with the visceral peritoneum of the testis and the parietal peritoneum of the lower anterior abdominal wall. The potential space between the two tunica vaginalis is called processus vaginalis, often obliterated in its proximal portion. Persistence of the proximal processus vaginalis may result in an indirect inguinal hernia or accumulation of ascitic fluid in the hernial sac.

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