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By: C. Faesul, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Clinical Director, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

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Onset is from 2 hours up to 2 days after trauma or surgery bacteria 9gag purchase macrozit american express, with a mean of 29 hours antibiotic pronunciation buy generic macrozit 100mg on-line. The major differential diagnosis of cerebral fat embolism syndrome is multiple embolic infarcts antibiotic nerve damage order macrozit 500 mg with mastercard. Lesions tend to involve the basal ganglia and corticomedullary junctions more than the white matter. Nontraumatic Hemorrhage and Vascular Lesions 226 Cerebral Gas Embolism Pathoetiology. Minor amounts of air in the intracranial venous systems is usually iatrogenic, introduced during intravenous catheter placement. Other etiologies of arterial or venous air embolism include lung biopsy, craniotomy in the sitting position, and angiography. Penetrating trauma, decompression sickness, and hydrogen peroxide ingestion are other causes of gas embolism. In more severe cases, focal neurologic deficit, coma, seizures, and encephalopathy may ensue. Asymptomatic air following intravenous catheter placement is most commonly observed as an incidental finding, typically as dots of air in the cavernous sinus. If massive air embolism occurs, cerebral ischemia or diffuse brain swelling typically ensues (8-56). Lacunar Infarcts Terminology the terms "lacuna," "lacunar infarct," and "lacunar stroke" are often used interchangeably. They are often observed coincidentally on imaging studies in older patients but are not clearly associated with discrete neurologic symptoms, i. Lacunae are sometimes called "silent" strokes, a misnomer as subtle neuropsychologic impairment is common in these patients. Lacunar stroke means a clinically evident stroke syndrome attributed to a small subcortical or brainstem lesion that may or may not be evident on brain imaging. Lacunae are considered macroscopic markers of cerebral small vessel ("microvascular") disease. There are two major vascular pathologies involving small penetrating arteries and arterioles: (1) thickening of the arterial media by lipohyalinosis, fibrinoid necrosis, and atherosclerosis causing luminal narrowing and (2) obstruction of penetrating arteries at their origin by large intimal plaques in the parent arteries. Nontraumatic Hemorrhage and Vascular Lesions 228 pallidus, caudate nucleus), thalami, internal capsule, deep cerebral white matter, and pons. Grossly, lacunae appear as small, pale, irregular but relatively well-delineated cystic cavities (8-58). Microscopically, ischemic lacunar infarcts demonstrate tissue rarefaction with neuronal loss, peripheral macrophage infiltration, and gliosis. Clinical Issues Independent risk factors for lacunar infarcts include age, hypertension, and diabetes. Between 20-30% of patients with lacunar stroke experience neurologic deterioration hours or even days after the initial event. The pathophysiology of "progressive lacunar stroke" is incompletely understood, and no treatment has been proven to prevent or halt progression. Cavitation and lesion shrinkage are seen in more than 95% of deep symptomatic lacunar infarcts on follow-up imaging. Embolic infarcts are typically peripheral (cortical/subcortical) rather than the usual central and deep location of typical lacunae. Watershed or "border zone" infarcts grossly resemble lacunar infarcts on imaging studies.

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Clinical Issues Neonatal/infantile hypoglycemic encephalopathy typically presents in the first 3 days of life do antibiotics for uti cause yeast infections purchase 250mg macrozit mastercard, usually within the first 24 hours antibiotics for uti uk purchase macrozit 250 mg with mastercard. Large for gestation age babies have an increased risk of hypoglycemia even when they are not the product of diabetic pregnancies infection x girl discount macrozit online american express. Acquired Metabolic and Systemic Disorders the precise level of hypoglycemia that requires treatment is controversial. Some experts recommend treating only symptomatic neonates with glucose concentrations below 4550 mg/dL. The response to glucose therapy is typically prompt if the degree and duration of hypoglycemia are mild to moderate. However, white matter, thalamic, and cerebellar involvement are all relatively more common in neonates compared with hypoglycemic encephalopathy in older children and adults. In the late acute/early subacute phase, the affected areas are swollen and edematous (32-15C) (32-15D). In chronic hypoglycemic encephalopathy, the parietooccipital cortices become atrophic, shrunken, and encephalomalacic (32-15E) (32-15F). The accepted clinical axiom has been that, in diabetics, it is better to err on the side of having high blood glucose because of the greater risk of brain and physical injury associated with severe hypoglycemia. After all, the conventional thinking went the brain is protected from high glucose exposure by the blood-brain barrier, which reduces brain exposure to two-thirds that of the peripheral blood level. Accumulating evidence now shows that hyperglycemia is toxic for the brain at any and all stages of life. Chronic Hyperglycemic Brain Injury Hyperglycemia-induced brain injury can be chronic or acute. Acute Hyperglycemic Brain Injury Although acute brain injury in hyperglycemia is less common than in hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia can also cause major morbidity and significant mortality. Intracellular starvation stimulates the release of the counterregulatory hormones, glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol, and growth hormones. This leads to accelerated hepatic and renal glucose production and impaired glucose utilization in insulin-dependent peripheral tissues. The result is hyperglycemia, lipolysis (with release of free fatty acids into the circulation), and hepatic fatty acid oxidation (to ketone bodies). In severe cases, secondary changes of acute osmotic demyelination can complicate the imaging findings of both disorders. If severe cerebral edema develops and is aggressively treated, survivors may show imaging evidence for bilateral (central) descending transtentorial herniation (32-16). Glycosuria and hypernatremia from dehydration can lead to cerebral edema, osmotic demyelination, seizure, and cardiac arrest. The signal abnormality probably represents manganese or zinc deposition, not calcium or hemorrhage. Thyroid Disorders Thyroid disorders are relatively common metabolic disturbances that are usually mild and rarely affect brain function. However, several imaging findings-some of them striking-have been associated with thyroid disease. We begin our discussion of thyroid disease with congenital hypothyroidism before turning our attention to acquired hypothyroid disease and its imaging manifestations. Congenital Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism is one of the most frequent congenital endocrine disorders.


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