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By: A. Mamuk, M.S., Ph.D.

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Other Organ Systems Prominent effects within the digestive tract include stimulation of salivation and acid secretion skin care equipment purchase discount decutan online, increased intestinal tone and peristaltic activity acne routine buy cheap decutan 40mg on-line, and relaxation of most sphincters acne quiz neutrogena discount decutan generic. Bronchoconstriction and stimulation of secretions are prominent effects in the respiratory system. Urination is promoted by stimulation of the detrusor muscle of the bladder and is facilitated by relaxation of the trigone and external sphincter muscles. It is useful to distinguish between open-angle glaucoma, a chronic condition in which the porosity of the trabecular meshwork is insufficient to permit the movement of fluid into the canal of Schlemm, and angle-closure glaucoma, an emergency condition in which an abnormal position of the peripheral iris blocks the access of fluid to the trabecular meshwork. Arrows with broken tail indicate multiple steps or that other factors are involved. This beneficial effect, however, comes at the price of a spasm of accommodation and miosis, which seriously disturb vision. Cholinomimetics, therefore, have been replaced by -blockers and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, both of which decrease the formation of aqueous humor without affecting vision. However, some patients simply do not respond to these treatments or do not tolerate the cardiovascular side effects of the -blockers, and cholinomimetics (most notably pilocarpine) remain as important treatment alternatives. Contraction of the iris sphincter (miosis) by cholinomimetic stimulation is less important than contraction of the ciliary muscle for treating angle-closure glaucoma, but it may be essential as emergency therapy for acute-angle glaucoma to reduce intraocular pressure prior to surgery (iridectomy). Contraction of the iris sphincter by pilocarpine pulls the peripheral iris away from the trabecular meshwork, thereby opening the path for aqueous outflow. Pilocarpine is the first choice among cholinomimetics for the treatment of glaucoma. Carbachol is sometimes effective in treating cases of open-angle glaucoma that are resistant to pilocarpine. Urinary Retention Bethanechol is used to treat postsurgical bladder dysfunction associated with the retention of urine. It is most commonly given orally for this purpose, although the subcutaneous route is also used. Effects are more rapid and intense after subcutaneous administration, but the duration of action is shorter. Diagnosis of Bronchial Hyperreactivity Methacholine is used to identify bronchial hyperreactivity in patients without clinically apparent asthma. For this indication, the drug is administered by inhalation, and patients who may be developing asthma usually produce an exaggerated airway contraction. Adverse Effects Potentially severe adverse effects can result from systemic administration of cholinomimetic drugs, and none should be administered by intramuscular or intravenous injection. If significant amounts of these drugs enter the circulation, nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, salivation, hypotension with reflex tachycardia, cutaneous vasodilation, sweating, and bronchoconstriction can result. Within the eye, cholinomimetics elicit miosis and spasm of accommodation, both of which disturb vision. Bethanechol is relatively selective in activating cholinoreceptors in the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts when taken orally, but it is less selective when given subcutaneously, and it is very dangerous when given intramuscularly or intravenously, having the potential to produce circulatory collapse and cardiac arrest. Systemic poisoning with cholinomimetics can be treated with the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine. Bethanechol should not be used in patients with possible mechanical obstruction of the bladder or gastrointestinal tract or when contraction of smooth muscles in these tissues may be harmful. It is also contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer disease, coronary artery disease, gastrointestinal hypermotility or inflammatory disease, hypotension or marked bradycardia, hyperthyroidism, parkinsonism, or epilepsy. Quaternary Ammonium Agents Edrophonium (Enlon, Tensilon) and ambenonium (Mytelase) are monoquaternary and bisquaternary ammonium alcohols, respectively. Edrophonium has a very short duration of action, lasting only 5 to 10 minutes, whereas inhibition by ambenonium can last 4 to 8 hours.

Drug Interactions Amiodarone increases the hypoprothrombinemic response to warfarin (an oral anticoagulant) by reducing its metabolism acne rosacea discount 30mg decutan free shipping. Patients receiving digoxin may undergo an increase in serum digoxin concentrations when amiodarone is added to the treatment regimen acne ziana cheap decutan 5 mg on-line. Amiodarone interferes with hepatic and renal elimination of flecainide skin care while pregnant purchase decutan with a mastercard, phenytoin, and quinidine. Pharmacokinetics the pharmacokinetic characteristics of sotalol: Oral bioavailability Onset of action Peak response Duration of action Plasma half-life Primary route of metabolism Primary route of excretion Therapeutic serum concentration 50%o 0. The blocking effects are most evident at low doses, with action potential prolongation predominating at higher doses. The D-isomer of sotalol, which is devoid of -blocking action, may increase mortality in postinfarcted patients. Electrophysiological Actions Sinoatrial Node and Atrium Pacemaker activity in the sinoatrial node is decreased because of -adrenoceptor blockade and a removal of sympathoadrenal influences on spontaneous diastolic depolarization. Clinical Uses Sotalol possesses a broad spectrum of antiarrhythmic effects in ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias. It has value in the management of patients with paroxys- 16 Antiarrhythmic Drugs 189 mal supraventricular arrhythmias, in terminating the reentrant arrhythmia in which the atrioventricular node serves as the reentrant pathway, and possibly in terminating supraventricular tachyarrhythmias associated with an accessory pathway. Adverse Effects Side effects of sotalol include those attributed to both -adrenoceptor blockade and proarrhythmic effects. Adverse effects attributable to its blocker activity include fatigue, dyspnea, chest pain, headache, nausea, and vomiting. Sinoatrial Node Dofetilide induces a minor slowing of the spontaneous discharge rate of the sinoatrial node via a reduction in the slope of the pacemaker potential and hyperpolarization of the maximum diastolic potential. Atrium Dofetilide prolongs the plateau phase of the action potential, thereby lengthening the refractory period of the myocardium. The effects on atrial tissue appear to be more profound than those observed in the ventricle. There is no effect on the voltage-gated sodium channel and as such no effect on the conduction velocity. Contraindications the contraindications that apply to other -adrenoceptor blocking agents also apply to sotalol. At plasma concentrations within the therapeutic range, dofetilide has no effect on sodium channels or on either 1- or -adrenoceptors. It blocks open channels, and its binding and release from the channels is voltage dependent. The effects of dofetilide are exaggerated when the extracellular potassium concentration is reduced, which is important, as many patients may be receiving diuretics concurrently. Conversely, hyperkalemia decreases the effects of dofetilide, which may limit its efficacy when local hyperkalemia occurs, such as during myocardial ischemia. Dofetilide demonstrates reverse use dependence, that is, less influence on the action potential at faster heart Hemodynamic Effects Dofetilide does not significantly alter the mean arterial blood pressure, cardiac output, cardiac index, stroke volume index, or systemic vascular resistance. There is a slight increase in the delta pressure/delta time (dP/dt) of ventricular myocytes. Pharmacokinetics the pharmacokinetic characteristics of dofetilide are summarized below. Although the absorption of dofetilide is delayed by ingestion of food, the total bioavailability is not affected. Atrium Ibutilide causes an increase in the atrial refractory period, an effect seen at rapid heart rates.

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This large Vd suggests that amiodarone distributes widely throughout the body; in fact acne-fw13c decutan 5mg with amex, it does distribute to various tissues skin care product reviews order decutan 30 mg visa, such as the liver acne jensen boots buy discount decutan 20 mg line, lungs, eyes, and adipose tissue. Since the total volume of the body does not equal 4200 L, it can clearly be seen that this is not a "real" volume but one that relates the blood concentration to the amount of drug in the body. This becomes clinically important as it is assumed that only unbound (free) drug is available for binding to receptors, being metabolized by enzymes, and eliminated from the body. For example, phenytoin is approximately 90% bound to plasma proteins, leaving 10% of the concentration in the blood as free drug and available for pharmacological action and metabolism. If the presence of renal disease or a drug interaction were to alter the degree of protein binding to only 80%, this change could have substantial clinical consequences. Even though the total percent bound changes relatively little, the net result is to double the amount of free drug. However, for most drugs, displacement from protein binding sites results in only a transient increase in free drug concentration, since the drug is rapidly redistributed into other body water compartments. Thus, interactions or changes in protein binding in most cases have little clinical effect despite these theoretical considerations. Following a single dose, concentrations can be monitored until no longer analytically detectable and a complete pharmacokinetic profile is described. In clinical practice, drugs are more commonly administered in multiple doses, with the second dose usually given before the first dose is completely eliminated. With each successive dose up to approximately five doses, the concentration of drug keeps increasing, a phenomenon known as accumulation. The final concentrations of drug reached depend on the elimination rate of the drug, the dosing frequency, and the actual dose. Thus, for a given drug, concentrations will reach higher steady-state values if the drug is given more frequently or in greater doses. In contrast, the time to reach steady state is affected by neither the dose amount nor dosing frequency. The time to reach steady state is solely affected by the elimination rate (which is reflected in the t1/2). Giving a larger dose or giving the dose more often will not change the time needed to reach steady state (except in the case of a bolus dose, as discussed later). Just as it takes approximately five half-lives for a drug to be essentially (97%) eliminated, it also requires five half-lives for a drug to reach steady state. The hypothetical drug in this example has a half-life of 8 hours and is dosed every 8 hours. The only practical method for achieving steady-state concentrations prior to five half-lives is to administer a bolus dose of drug (a dose much higher than normal and designed to bring concentrations up to steady state immediately) followed by standard dosing (Figure 5. In this way, the "accumulation" of drug occurs rapidly because of the large amount of drug given initially. For example, a doubling of the dose will produce a doubling of the blood concentration. For some drugs, however, this is not the case: an increase in dose may produce a concentration much greater than expected. The graph demonstrates that as one approaches doses that result in therapeutic concentrations of phenytoin, the rise in concentrations becomes nonlinear such that an increase in dose from 300 to 400 mg (33% increase) produces a 300% increase in phenytoin concentration. Thus, it is easy to see how toxicity may arise quickly following what was seemingly a small increase in dose; under linear circumstances such a small increase in dose would have resulted in concentrations still within the therapeutic range. This nonlinearity often occurs because the drug-metabolizing enzymes for the drug become saturated at typical blood concentrations, such that despite increases in dose, drug is still metabolized at the same rate and blood concentrations go up unexpectedly. In this case, following Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics, the maximum velocity (Vmax) has been reached and the rate of drug metabolism remains constant.

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Phenoxybenzamine and phentolamine acne 4 dpo purchase generic decutan on-line, in addition to blocking postsynaptic -receptors skin care hospitals in bangalore cheap decutan 10 mg with amex, also block 2receptors on nerves and therefore can enhance the release of norepinephrine acne extraction dermatologist generic 5 mg decutan otc. Prazosin blocks responses mediated by postsynaptic 1-receptors but has no effect on the presynaptic 2-receptors. Thus, stimulation of the heart and renin release is less prominent with this drug. The drug can be administered alone in mild and (in some instances) moderate hypertension. When the hypertension is moderate or severe, prazosin generally is given in combination with a thiazide diuretic and a -blocker. Prazosin may be particularly useful when patients cannot tolerate other classes of antihypertensive drugs or when blood pressure is not well controlled by other drugs. Since prazosin does not significantly influence blood uric acid or glucose levels, it can be used in hy- 11 Adrenoceptor Antagonists 113 pertensive patients whose condition is complicated by diabetes mellitus or gout. Prazosin and other -antagonists find use in the management of benign prostatic obstruction, especially in patients who are not candidates for surgery. Blockade of -adrenoceptors in the base of the bladder and in the prostate apparently reduces the symptoms of obstruction and the urinary urgency that occurs at night. Adverse Effects Although less of a problem than with phenoxybenzamine or phentolamine, symptoms of postural hypotension, such as dizziness and light-headedness, are the most commonly reported side effects associated with prazosin therapy. These effects occur most frequently during initial treatment and when the dosage is sharply increased. Postural hypotension seems to be more pronounced during Na deficiency, as may occur in patients on a low-salt diet or being treated with diuretics, blockers, or both. Because the -receptors of the heart are primarily of the 1 type and those in the pulmonary and vascular smooth muscle are 2 receptors, 1-selective antagonists are frequently referred to as cardioselective blockers. The intrinsic activity, cardioselectivity, and membranestabilizing actions of a number of -blockers are summarized in Table 11. The drug is concentrated in the lungs and to a lesser extent in the liver, brain, kidneys, and heart. The liver is the chief organ involved in the metabolism of propranolol, and the drug is subject to a significant degree of first-pass metabolism. At least eight metabolites have been recovered from the urine, the major excretory route. The pharmacokinetic profile of metoprolol (Lopressor) is similar to that of propranolol. Metoprolol is readily and rapidly absorbed after oral administration and is subject to a significant amount of first-pass metabolism by the liver. The extensive distribution of metoprolol to the lungs and kidney is typical of a moderately lipophilic drug. Of these, propranolol, a nonselective -antagonist, was the first to be introduced and is the prototypical drug with which the others are compared. Metoprolol was the first 1-selective drug and timolol the first -blocker approved for ophthalmic use. As a class, -blocking agents have greater structural similarity to their corresponding agonists than do the blockers. This structural similarity also accounts for the greater specificity of action exhibited by the -receptor blocking drugs than by the -adrenoceptor blocking drugs. The similarity in structure to -agonists is most certainly responsible for the finding that some -blockers activate -receptors; that is, they have some intrinsic sympathomimetic activity.