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By: P. Samuel, M.A., M.D.

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As a result impotence in men over 50 buy 90mg dapoxetine overnight delivery, constipation often accompanies therapy with opioids and may become a debilitating problem in patients who require chronic opioid therapy erectile dysfunction icd 10 30 mg dapoxetine mastercard, as little tolerance develops to this effect erectile dysfunction doctor pune buy 90 mg dapoxetine with visa. Of interest, opium was used to treat diarrhea before its use as an analgesic was popularized. Increased biliary pressure occurs when the gallbladder contracts against a closed or narrowed sphincter of Oddi. Passage of gastric contents into the proximal duodenum is delayed because there is increased tone at the gastroduodenal junction. In this regard, preoperative medication that includes an opioid could slow gastric emptying (potentially increase the risk of aspiration) or delay the absorption of orally administered drugs. All these effects may be reversed or prevented by a peripheral-acting opioid antagonist (see the section "Methylnaltrexone"). Nausea and Vomiting Opioid-induced nausea and vomiting are caused by direct stimulation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the floor of the fourth ventricle. This may reflect the role of opioid agonists as partial dopamine agonists at dopamine receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone. Indeed, apomorphine is a profound emetic and is also the most potent of the opioids at dopamine receptors. Stimulation of dopamine receptors as a mechanism for opioid-induced nausea and vomiting is consistent with the antiemetic efficacy of butyrophenones and phenothiazines. Morphine may also cause nausea and vomiting by increasing gastrointestinal secretions and delaying passage of intestinal contents toward the colon. Nausea and vomiting are relatively uncommon in recumbent patients given morphine, suggesting that a vestibular component may contribute to opioid-induced nausea and vomiting. Genitourinary System Morphine can increase the tone and peristaltic activity of the ureter. In contrast to similar effects on biliary tract smooth muscle, the same opioid-induced effects on the ureter can be reversed by an anticholinergic drug such as atropine. Urinary urgency is produced by opioid-induced augmentation of detrusor muscle tone, but, at the same time, the tone of the urinary sphincter is enhanced, making voiding difficult. Antidiuresis that accompanies administration of morphine to animals has been attributed to opioid-induced release of arginine vasopressin hormone (antidiuretic hormone). In humans, however, administration of morphine in the absence of painful surgical stimulation does not evoke the release of this hormone. These changes in cutaneous circulation are in part caused by the release of histamine. Histamine release probably accounts for urticaria and erythema commonly seen at the morphine injection site. In addition, morphine-induced histamine release probably accounts for conjunctival erythema and pruritus. Localized cutaneous evidence of histamine release, especially along the vein into which morphine is injected, does not represent an allergic reaction. Therefore, depression of the neonate can occur as a consequence of administration of opioids to the mother during labor. In this regard, maternal administration of morphine may produce greater neonatal depression than meperidine does. Chronic maternal use of an opioid can result in the development of physical dependence in the fetus. Subsequent administration of naloxone to the neonate can precipitate neonatal abstinence syndrome. Drug Interactions the ventilatory depressant effects of some opioids may be exaggerated by amphetamines, phenothiazines, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and tricyclic antidepressants. This exaggerated response may reflect alterations in the rate or pathway of metabolism of the opioid.


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Adverse Side Effects Antiepileptic drugs may potentially produce numerous and varied adverse side effects erectile dysfunction doctors in san fernando valley cheap dapoxetine 90 mg mastercard. Some adverse side effects are dose-related (sedation erectile dysfunction treatment bayer order 30 mg dapoxetine visa, lethargy erectile dysfunction pump covered by medicare buy dapoxetine 60 mg mastercard, neurotoxicity), whereas others are idiosyncratic (hypersensitivity, hepatotoxicity, aplastic anemia) (see Table 13-3). Maternal Epilepsy As previously mentioned, pregnancy can result from enzyme inducing antiepileptic drugs that render oral contraceptive pills less effective. Seizures during pregnancy can result in significant morbidity and mortality to both mother and fetus, making seizure control during this period imperative. Significant teratogenicity may occur during this period if pregnancy is not detected early enough to permit discontinuation of potentially teratogenic medications. Drug regimens in women of childbearing age should therefore be given special attention. In particular, parturients who take valproate and carbamazepine have more than double the risk of giving birth to a fetus with congenital malformations including neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Patients on lamotrigine have rates of congenital malformation comparable to the general population. Conclusive data regarding other antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy is lacking, in part due to the ethical and regulatory difficulty of conducting randomized trials during pregnancy. In addition, this drug is useful in the management of patients with trigeminal neuralgia and glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Structurally, carbamazepine is related to the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine. Like phenytoin, carbamazepine alters ionic conductance and thus has a membrane-stabilizing effect. Pharmacokinetics this drug is available only as an oral preparation (see Table 13-4). Oral absorption is rapid, with peak plasma concentrations occurring 2 t o 6 h ours after ingestion. The principal metabolite of carbamazepine is an epoxide derivative that has antiseizure effects that may also be responsible for many of the dose-limiting side effects of this drug. Because this drug induces its own metabolism, many patients require a dosage increase in 2 to 4 weeks after initiation of therapy. Carbamazepine also accelerates the metabolism of valproic acid, ethosuximide, corticosteroids, anticoagulants, and antipsychotic drugs. Drugs that inhibit the metabolism of carbamazepine sufficiently to cause toxic effects include cimetidine, propoxyphene, diltiazem, verapamil, isoniazid, and erythromycin. Ethosuximide Ethosuximide is the drug of choice for suppression of absence (petit mal) epilepsy in patients who do not also have tonic-clonic seizures. This drug acts by decreasing voltage-dependent calcium conductance in thalamic neurons. This is consistent with the speculated importance of the thalamocortical system in the etiology of absence seizures. Approximately 25% o f the drug is excreted unchanged in urine, and the remainder is metabolized to inactive metabolites by hepatic microsomal enzymes. A plasma concentration of 40 to 100 mg/ mL is required for satisfactory suppression of absence epilepsy. Felbamate Because of its potential to produce life-threatening side effects, felbamate is not used as a first-line drug for treatment of seizures but rather is reserved for patients with intractable epilepsy.

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