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By: Z. Stejnar, M.A.S., M.D.

Professor, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

The proximal and distal articular surfaces are joined together by a capsular ligament gastritis bad breath 30 caps diarex, and directly by a ligament passing from the head of the femur to the acetabulum gastritis diet бетсити buy diarex master card. It is attached treating gastritis over the counter order 30caps diarex amex, laterally, to the fovea on the head of the femur, and medially to the two ends of the acetabular notch, and between them to the transverse ligament. Anteriorly, it is attached to the trochanteric line; posteriorly to the neck of the femur a short distance medial to the trochanteric crest; above to the base of the greater trochanter; and inferiorly to the neck near the lesser trochanter (14. Manyofthefibresofthecapsuleattachedtothefrontoftheneckturnsharplytorunonittowardsthehead: they form longitudinal bundles called retinacula. Thecapsuleitselfconsistsofaninnerlayerofcircularfibres(zona orbicularis) that form rings around the neckofthefemur;andofmoresuperficiallongitudinalfibres. Thecapsuleisstrengthenedbythepresence of three ligaments: iliofemoral, pubofemoral and ischiofemoral. The medial band runs vertically to be attached to the lower part of the trochanteric line. Because of its shape, the iliofemoral ligament is also called the Y-shaped ligament. It passes downwards and laterally to blend with the medial band of the iliofemoral ligament and with the capsular ligament. It lines the inside of the capsular ligament, the intracapsular part of the neck of the femur, both surfaces of the acetabular labrum, the acetabular fossa, and the ligament of the head of the femur (14. Thehipjointissuppliedbybranchesfromtheobturator,medialcircumflexfemoral,superiorglutealandinferior gluteal arteries; by the femoral, obturator and superior gluteal nerves, and by the nerve to the quadratus femoris. In this process the rim of the acetabulum is usually fractured so that it is a fracture dislocation. There is serious danger of injury to the sciatic nerve which lies just behind the joint. After posterior dislocation the limb is medially rotated, and in anterior dislocation the limb is laterally rotated. In central fracture dislocation,theheadofthefemurbreaksthroughtheflooroftheacetabulumtoenter the pelvic cavity. As the hip joint is very stable (compared to the shoulder joint) dislocations take place only with serious injuries like car accidents, or falls from a height. In old age the articular surfaces of the hip joint often undergo degeneration due to osteoarthritis. It is a compound joint having two distinct articular surfaces on the medial and lateral condyles of the femur, for articulation with corresponding surfaces on the medial and lateral condyles of the tibia. The anterior aspect of the lower end of the femur articulates with the posterior aspect of the patella. The knee joint is a complex joint because its cavity is partially divided into upper and lower parts by plates of cartilage called the medial and lateral menisci. The proximal articular surface covers the anterior, inferior and posterior aspects of the medial and lateral condyles of the femur (14. Anteriorly, the medial and lateral articular surfaces are continuous with each other (14. The part of the femoral articular surface situated on the anterior aspect of its lower end articulates with the patella. It is concave from side-to-side and is subdivided by a vertical groove into a larger lateral part and a smaller medial part.

Notes about the Transversus Abdominis the aponeurosis of the transversus abdominis muscle takes part in forming the sheath for the rectus abdominis muscle along with those of the external and internal oblique muscles gastritis diet 14 best purchase for diarex. Uppermost fibres from thoracolumbar fascia (at lateral border of the quadratus lumborum muscle) 2 chronic gastritis grading order 30 caps diarex otc. Middle fibres from iliac crest (anterior two-thirds of ventral segment gastritis upper abdominal pain buy diarex with a visa, intermed, zone) 3. Lowest fibres from inguinal ligament (lateral 2/3 of deep aspect) (grooved upper surface) 1. Middle fibres from thoracolumbar fascia (at lateral border of quadratus lumborum) 3. Lowest fibres from lateral 1/3 of inguinal ligament (upper grooved surface) Insertion 1. Fibres arising from lumbar inserted chiefly into linea alba from the 11th and 12th ribs end fascia and the posterior part of in an extensive aponeurosis. Fibres from anterior part of iliac pecten pubis and pubic crest) crest and lateral part of inguinal b. Its lower part is the aponeurosis has a free attached to entire length of linea lower border that forms the alba inguinal ligament. The fibres that arise from the in front of the canal, then in its 11th and 12th ribs are inserted roof, and then behind the canal. This tendon is inserted into the pubic crest and pecten pubis For all muscles: lower six thoracic nerves. Increase intra-abdominal pressure that helps to expel contents of viscera (as in defecation, micturition, vomitting and child birth) Nerve supply Action Some Structures Closely Related to Anterolateral Muscles the linea alba 1. It is formed by the interlacing of the fibres of the aponeuroses of the external oblique, the internal oblique and the transversus abdominis muscles. This is a thick curved band of fibres that lies at the junction of the abdomen and the front of the thigh. It is attached medially to the pubic tubercle and laterally to the anterior superior iliac spine (25. It represents the lower border of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle, which is folded on itself. As a result, the ligament comes to have a grooved upper surface that can be seen if the ligament is viewed from its deep aspect. It is a triangular membrane placed horizontally, behind the medial most part of the inguinal ligament. Its base, directed laterally, is free: it forms the medial boundary of the femoral ring. Some fibres (continuous with the lacunar ligament) extend laterally along the pecten pubis beyond the base of the lacunar ligament. They constitute the pectineal ligament, the fibres of which are firmly adherent to the pecten pubis. Just above the medial part of the inguinal ligament, there is an aperture in the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle called the superficial inguinal ring (25. The two sides of the triangle form the lateral (or lower) and the medial (or upper) margins of the opening: these are referred to as crura. The lateral crus is nothing but the medial part of the inguinal ligament: We have seen that it is attached to the pubic tubercle and has a grooved upper surface. This is made up of fibres that pass upwards and medially from the lateral crus of the superficial inguinal ring and disappear under its medial crus (25. This is made up of some fibres of the aponeuroses of the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles that join together and descend to be inserted into the pubic crest and the medial part of the pecten pubis.

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The greater trochanter forms a large quadrangular projection on the lateral aspect of the upper end of the femur gastritis diet vegetable recipes purchase 30caps diarex visa. Its upper and posterior part projects upwards beyond the level of the neck and thus comes to have a medial surface gastritis diet cooking effective 30caps diarex. The anterior aspect of the greater trochanter shows a large rough area for muscle attachments gastritis diet игри purchase diarex with paypal. The lateral surface of the greater trochanter is also marked by an area for muscle attachments: the area is in the form of a ridge or a flat strip that runs downwards and forwards across the lateral surface. The lesser trochanter is a conical projection attached to the shaft where the lower border of the neck meets the shaft. The posterior parts of the greater and lesser trochanters are joined together by a prominent ridge called the intertrochanteric crest. Chapter 9 Bones of Lower Extremity 181 Right femur, anterior aspect Right femur, posterior aspect 6. A little above its middle, this crest bears a rounded elevation called the quadrate tubercle. Anteriorly, the junction of the neck and the shaft is marked by a much less prominent intertrochanteric line. The upper end of this line reaches the anterior and upper part of the greater trochanter and its lower end lies a little in front of the lesser trochanter. Here, it becomes continuous with the spiral line that runs downwards and backwards across the medial aspect of the shaft to reach its posterior aspect. The shaft is triangular having three borders (lateral, medial and posterior) and three surfaces (anterior, lateral and medial). In addition to the directions indicated by their names, the medial and lateral surfaces also face backwards. The lateral lip of the linea aspera becomes continuous with a broad rough area called the gluteal tuberosity. The area between the gluteal tuberosity (laterally) and the spiral line (medially) constitutes a fourth surface (posterior) over the upper one-third of the shaft. The two lips of the linea aspera diverge from each other over the lower one-third of the shaft to become continuous with ridges called the medial and lateral supracondylar lines. The lower end of the femur consists of two large condyles namely medial and lateral. The two condyles are joined together anteriorly and, on this aspect, they lie in the same plane as the lower part of the shaft (9. Posteriorly, the two condyles project much beyond the plane of the shaft, and here they are separated by a deep intercondylar notch or fossa. When viewed from the side the lower margin of each condyle is seen to form an arch that is convex downwards (9. The anterior aspect of the two condyles is marked by an articular area for the patella (9. The area is concave from side to side to accommodate the convex posterior surface of the patella. For this purpose, each condyle bears a large convex articular surface that is continuous anteriorly with the patellar surface. When seen from the lateral aspect, the lateral condyle of the femur is seen to be more or less flat (9. A little behind the middle it is marked by a prominence called the lateral epicondyle.

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Here it comes to lie in the costal groove of the rib forming the upper boundary of the intercostal space (18 diet gastritis adalah purchase diarex without a prescription. In the space gastritis with hemorrhage diarex 30caps discount, the artery lies between the internal intercostal muscle (second layer) and the innermost intercostal muscle (third layer) hemorrhagic gastritis definition purchase generic diarex. It is accompanied by the corresponding vein (which lies above it) and by the intercostal nerve (which lies below it). Where the artery is not covered by the intercostalis intimi, it is directly in contact with the parietal pleura which separates it from the visceral pleura and lung. As the descending aorta lies somewhat to the left of the median plane, the right posterior intercostal arteries (arising from it) have to cross this plane to reach the right side. On either side, the posterior intercostal arteries pass deep to the sympathetic trunk. Each posterior intercostal artery gives off a number of branches that are shown in 18. Before entering the intercostal space the artery gives off a dorsal branch that supplies muscles and skin of the back. The dorsal branch gives off a spinal branch that supplies the spinal cord and vertebrae. It then runs parallel to the main artery, but along the upper border of the rib below the intercostal space. The main artery and the collateral branch reach near the anterior end of the intercostal space. A number of muscular branches supply intercostal muscles, and some other muscles lying over the thoracic wall. A lateral cutaneous branch arises about midway between the anterior and posterior ends of the intercostal space. It divides into anterior and posterior branches that supply skin over the thorax (and part of abdomen). The 2nd, 3rd, 4th posterior intercostal arteries give branches to the mammary gland. The right bronchial artery arises from the right third posterior intercostal artery. Superior Intercostal Artery the importance of this artery is that it gives off the posterior intercostal arteries for the first and second intercostal spaces. Note that the subclavian artery (lying in the lower part of the neck, in front of the cervical pleura) gives off the costocervical trunk. This trunk runs upwards in front of the cervical pleura, and reaching the neck of the first rib it divides into the superior intercostal and deep cervical branches. It descends across the neck of the first rib to reach the first intercostal space. The artery then descends across the second rib and becomes the second posterior intercostal artery. The subcostal arteries correspond to the posterior intercostal arteries but lie below the twelfth rib. On each side, the artery runs across the lateral side of the twelfth thoracic vertebra. After a short course in the thorax the artery enters the abdomen by passing under cover of the lateral arcuate ligament. The subcostal artery supplies some muscles in the walls of the thorax and abdomen. The artery gives off a dorsal branch, the distribution of which is similar to that of the corresponding branches of the posterior intercostal arteries. Chapter 18 Walls of the Thorax Internal Thoracic Artery and Anterior Intercostal Arteries 365 1.

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